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Bitcointalk forum problem!?


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Ne znam da li se desava svim novim clanovima ili samo meni.Ne mogu nista da pisem,komentarisem,samo da citam,gledam...
Registrovao sam se u Novembru prosle godine(ako to ima neke veze) mozda su poostrili mere pa traze donaciju i uplatu za sve nove ko zna od kada a mozda je nesto drugo u pitanju.
Evo sta mi se javlja i sta mi pise prilikom ulaska na forum.


A evo sta pise kad kliknem na how to enable posting

You are unable to post. How to enable posting.
Bitcoin Forum > Remove Proxyban
Your IP address has previously been used for evil on this forum, or it is a known proxy/VPN/Tor exit node, so you are required to pay a small fee before you are able to post messages or send PMs. You can still use all of the read-only features without paying.

Your account contains 23.85 units of evil. To atone, you must pay a total of 0.00006725 bitcoins (0.06725 mBTC; 6725 satoshi). Pay to the address 3LQu2HP4Dt8UCLWWwYb7R94CYqJgUMfCTK. Once you have paid the full amount, wait a few seconds and then reload this page. If the fee is so small that your wallet is unable to send it, you can send any larger amount, though you will not be refunded the difference.

Alternatively, any forum staff member and some other notable members can manually whitelist you. Paying the fee is probably easier/quicker, though.

If you don't have any bitcoins, you can get small amounts of free bitcoins using the sites listed here. It is recommended that you give the free bitcoin sites the address listed above. Do not collect money in your own wallet and then send the bitcoins to the forum -- this will likely result in significant network fees.

If you find any bugs in this system, email [email protected]. For example, send email here if your payment is not registered an hour after sending it. The mere fact that payment is required for your IP address is never a bug. You will be permanently banned if you send email here requesting free whitelisting.

People commonly say, "I haven't posted anything before, so why on Earth am I banned?" You are not banned. Your IP address was previously used for evil, so everyone who uses that IP address has to pay this registration fee.

Sta da radim?Hvala...
okreni provajdera i pitaj ih da ti zamene IP adresu ili promeni providera za internet. Reinstaliraj komp i registruj se ponovo :)
Zezas me ili si ozbiljan?Sto se tice menjanja IP-a,to je nekad dok sam imao Telekom moglo restartovanjem rutera ili modema da se odradi,promeni ti automatski IP adresu.
Sto se zamene provajdera tice sanse nema,to mi se desava i kada udjem sa svog interneta kod kuce,sa tudjeg preko laptopa i preko telefona sa mobilnog interneta.
Zasto imas toliku potrebu da pises? Tamo ima toliko materijala da je dovoljno citati.
Dobro to svi znamo :) .Nije bitno,mozda sam hteo da se prijavim za neke nove projekte za Serbian translate,mozda da pitam nesto sto mozda nije napisano u temi, da nemam na discordu 100 grupa i ovih par mi je vise nego dovoljno...
Skini Tunnel Bear VPN. Trebalo bi da je free do 500mb mesecno, sto je vise nego dovoljno za bilo kakvo piskaranje po forumima.
Vec mu je ukesirao browser i njegove podatke i registrovali su ga kao spamera.
Moras da promenis IP, reinstaliras windows i da se nikada ne logujes vise na taj nalog da te ne povezu.
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