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Још једна мачка која млати мушкарце. Овај пут у Амазон продукцији Кејт Бекинсејл
Možda je i dalje vampir. Plot twist! :)
moze da mi posisa svu krv
Dobro se drzi uzeci u obzir godine...
Samo krv?
giphy (1).gif

Izgleda da je potpuna najezda B-tier filmova i serija od 2020, sa manje ili vise poznatim glumcima. U fazonu Cannon Group iz 80tih
U principu ne smeta ali ako na 3 losa dodje tek 1 dobar bolje da su ulozili budzet u taj jedan nego da ovako spaljuju novac. Amazon deluje da radi nesto bolji posao dok Netflix retko ide na all-in, vise gledaju da uloze minimalno resursa pa ako prodje-prodje... Samim tim im je veci broj stvari za zaobici.
Uz obavezno guranje aktuelnih tema, sto posebno primetno u serijama - gde ocekujem i za Witcher da ce ici poprilicno nizbrdo kako vreme odmice (cak sta vise ocekujem da Kavil digne sidro posle 3./4. sezone)

Ne znam koliko ima istine ali izgleda da je snimljen (tj u produkciji nekih 3/4) novi Predator u back to the roots fazonu (Predator 1)
Naziv filma je "Skull" i u pitanju je origin prica Predatora...
Evo šta kažu za novog Predatora.

I have a friend that was involved in the film. Here are a few small leaks that I know.
Skull is not the real title, it’s actually Hunter. Which was the original title for Predator.
The film takes place during the Comanche wars, when a small native village is invaded by American infantry. The people are murdered and some are kept as slaves.
The film initially is from the perspective of the infantry similar to the original film, except our lead character is a female warrior who is captured.
Near the half way point all the infantry are murdered. And she begins her own battle against the predator.
It’s almost as if Dutch died and the female character became the lead.
The film is meant to be showing the brutality from all perspectives.
That’s all I know. I’ve heard it’s actually incredible. Relatively low budget. And it mirrors a lot of the original.
Ive also heard they are considering backing out of it being a streaming film, because there is confidence in a theatrical release.
16-og septembra samo na Peacock strimingu i na svim piratskim sajtovima.

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