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Pomoć oko zvučnika u kućištu


Pozdrav ljudi imam pitanje vezano za zvučnik u kućištu.

Naime, imam Asusovu matičnu P5QL Pro i zvučnik namenjen da stoju u kućištu sa strane iz starijeg kompa i provereno znam da se radi o zvučniku koji moze da pušta audio, ne samo beepove.

Kada sam nakačio zvučnik na Speaker pinove na matičnoj izgleda da ga je matična prepoznala samo kao buzzer ali ne kao kompletan zvučnik.

Moje pitanje je, da li postoji način da ga vežem na neke pinove na matičnoj da moze da pušta pun audio ili sam osuđen na običan buzzer (koji ova matična iz nekog razloga nema)?
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Modern Microsoft Windows systems have PC speaker support as a separate device with special capabilities – that is, it cannot be configured as a normal audio output device. Some software uses this special sound channel to produce sounds. For example, Skype can use it as a reserve calling signal device for the case where the primary audio output device cannot be heard (for example because the volume is set to the minimum level or the amplifier is turned off).

The PC speaker is normally meant to reproduce a square wave via only 2 levels of output (the speaker is driven by only two voltage levels, typically 0 V and 5 V). However, by carefully timing a short pulse (i.e. going from one output level to the other and then back to the first), and by relying on the speaker's physical filtering properties (limited frequency response, self-inductance, etc.), the end result corresponds to intermediate sound levels. This effectively allows the speaker to function as a crude 6 bit DAC,[5] thereby enabling approximate playback of PCM audio. This technique is called pulse-width modulation (PWM) and is notably used in class D audio amplifiers.

With the PC speaker, this method achieves limited quality playback; the quality depends on a trade-off between the PWM carrier frequency (effective sample rate) and the number of output levels (effective bitrate). The clock rate of the PC's programmable interval timer which drives the speaker is fixed at 1,193.18 kHz.[3] This relatively low modulation frequency limits the resolution and produces poor but recognizable audio.[6]

This use of the PC speaker for complex audio output became less common with the introduction of the Sound Blaster and other sound cards.
E @Lepi ga onako muski objasni da ga ceo svet razume :d
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@Lepi Kokan

Kolega, kolega, cccccccccc, nisam dobio bas ovaj nadimak pre vise od 30 godina, zbog toga da me neko vredja. A to sto u nekim zemljama engleskog govornog podrucja ova rec znaci nesto tako ruzno, verovatno nisu znali ni tvorci cuvene serije "Price iz majstorske radionice", gde se i pominje ovo ime. Dakle, prilicno neocekivano i nisko od tebe...:(
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Lepi kokan ti se samo nabacuje na njemu svojstven način. Ne zameri mu. To je jače od njega.
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Zaista se izvinjavam, fora je zaista glupa i ispalo je nepristojno. Neka mod ukloni post.
@Lepi Kokan

Prihvatam Tvoje izvinjenje, nema dalje gibe oko ovog posta, a tebe ako mogu da zamolim, da budes i dalje od koristi svim clanovima ovog foruma, nezavisno od njihovog staza na forumu ili teme o kojoj se govori. :wave::beer:
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