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ZCash [ZEC] (Equihash)

probaj taj bin fajl iz linuxa da prekopiras u win folder i trebalo bi da proradi
Hmmm i da ga pregazin i da to ne uradim, moram u config fajlu da promenim na "nvidia" to ga je zezalo, pošto je def AMD. Ali mi malo daje tipa GTX 1070 daje 7 sola, a GTX 1080 8 sola, a vidim da se priča da daje preko 20sola GTX 1070, ne znam gde grešim.
290 daje oko 50 sola, dakle 280x bi trebala oko 40, a 7950 oko 30 sola optimum...
Uopsteno uporedjujuci sa prostorom prema grejanju kartica i sa jtoomim minerom koji je napravio!
Ok vidimo gpu majner se priprema, radi a kako za wallet, sta ste beše rekli? Može neki info o walletu?
Ovaj Jtoomim je covek ostavio za sebe i radi cloud mining sa tim brzinama....mozes iznajmiti kod njega i skupo je do jaja
Taj miner kopa i automatski konvertuje u BTC. A to nije poenta [emoji1]

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Hmmm i da ga pregazin i da to ne uradim, moram u config fajlu da promenim na "nvidia" to ga je zezalo, pošto je def AMD. Ali mi malo daje tipa GTX 1070 daje 7 sola, a GTX 1080 8 sola, a vidim da se priča da daje preko 20sola GTX 1070, ne znam gde grešim.

ima neki problem sa minerom - ako pokreneš samo jednu karticu daće ~25sola (mem +600),
prijavili su mu, rekao je da će rešiti ovih dana

probaću posle u linuxu da li radi multigpu pa javim
Poslednja izmena:
da sa AMD to nije slucaj, jedna ili vise kartica daju isto
Pozdrav svima,

Jel bi nko od iskusnijih kolega hteo da podeli detaljno uputstvo za instaliranje minera, novcanika za ovaj novcic. Ono sto je pisano ranije u praksi ne radi. Miner staje i tako dalje...

Znaci pitanje je koji je trenutno najbolji miner, kako se podesava, kako se pokrece..
Gorane novcic se kopa u beta fazi sada sve sto iskopas vredi 0 dinara 0 dolara 0 evra 0 franaka tek se od 28 oktobra krece sa kopanjem za novac...
Znaci sacekaj 28 oktobar...
asi promasio temu,guglaj,prelistaj unazad,kod mene nece da radi avx miner,al moras sve skontati sam,jedino tako mozes nesto napraviti od ovog
najaca je original bitcointalk tema u 99% slucaja za neki novcic,tamo je pre neko skontao nesto
može se privremeno "zaobići" problem sa više nvidia kartica tako što svaku karticu pokrenete kao posebnu istancu
(dakle 4 config fajla u kome je u svakom uključena po jedna kartica)
Interesantono, nije loshe da se zna.
Ako sam dobro svatio, dok mi kopamo zaradili bi samo 80% od ukupnih Zcash coina, dok 20% ide za "glavonje" :

Yo Banjo

Zcash founders might make $60 million in first year.
If you really thought Zcash is all about some new cool coin you’re wrong. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and gave the technology away for free. No millions needed. Now fast forward to today…
In a few days Zcash will be the new hot thing in crypto. A close look at their website shows some interesting details: Zcash’s monetary base will be the same as Bitcoin’s — 21 million Zcash currency units (ZEC, or ⓩ) will be mined over time. 10% of that reward will be distributed to the stakeholders in the Zcash Company — founders, investors, employees, and advisors. We call this the “Founders Reward”.
Notice how they talk about “10% of that reward”. The devil is in the details with this one. In the first 4 years the founders will take 20% of all coins mined. Yup that’s right, they’ll surf the hype and make most money in the beginning. So let’s see how this adds up:
At first, 50 ZEC will be created every ten minutes. 80% of the newly created ZEC will go to the miners, and 20% ZEC to the founders.
So, that’s 2.628.000 coins in the first year alone…… And the founders will take 20% of that? That’s 525.600 ZEC even while they sleep and do nothing. If this coin becomes hyped (like the team already tries to do) we might see a $300 million marketcap in year 1 quite easily. That’s $114.15 per ZEC on your favorite crypto exchange. And guess what? The founders own 20% of that which adds up to $60 million. And the bigger the hype, the more they will make. Think about that when you plan on buying your ZEC at a “nice price”. This thing becomes even more funny when you look at their investment:
With the plan above, a dream team of investors stepped up to fund the Zcash Company, because they believe in our mission, and in the value of this technology for all kinds of people and industries. We have closed a $1M funding round with these investors.
These devs are even more dumb than I expected. They got $1 million while giving away 20% mining rewards in the first 4 years which could easily be worth 60 times that number. And they call their investors “a dream team” for being ripped off like that.
Don’t be fooled, this is the biggest scam since Ethereum. A bunch of greedy people talk about “decentralization” and “community” while filling their pockets with “dumb” crypto money.
Don’t believe the hype
Ko Maline...

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Nece uopste biti isplativ za male rudare, jer oni se nece moci dokopat GPU minera, sa ovim minerom sto je free nema tu isplativosti niti ce je biti, kad procesor daje vise nego gpu nikada tu nije bila isplativost.
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