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Error Code 0x80070490 W10M & WP8.1

Konačno, pročitao sam ovo i creška je nestala nakon urađenog, vratio sam opet na ...318, nema error code!!!

Guys, you won't believe it.

After the installation of yesterdays build 14561 the sync-error on my Lumia 950 is gone.

I can now manually sync my Outlook-account in the mail-app and my contacts in the contacts-app without the error-code.

Additional info: I also installed the brandnew Microsoft Authenticator-app on my Lumia 950.

Don't know, what fixed the issue but after years of struggling I'm finally happy :)
Don't know, what fixed the issue but after years of struggling I'm finally happy :)

Pa, bravo za ovo! Dobro da nije cekao jos 2 godine (+2+2) da mu bude bolje. Sta im rade toliki silni inzenjeri cim se problemi resavaju sami od sebe?
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