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Quantum Break - Remedy

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on PC releases today exclusively to the Windows 10 Store. It should have been another prominent feather in Microsoft's DirectX 12 cap. Instead, it’s one of the most disastrous PC game launches in years, and many AMD Radeon owners are advised to steer completely clear during the game’s launch window!
Još jedan Win Store fail, dok se čeka Quantum Break.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on PC releases today exclusively to the Windows 10 Store

Quantum Break's live action cutscenes will require an internet connection.

Quantum Break, Remedy's upcoming time warping shooter, will employ a blend of videogame cutscenes and live action TV show in an attempt to tell a story in a new, cross media way. As it turns out, though, these live action cutscenes won't be on the disc and will be at the mercy of your internet connection as they're streamed to your PC.

Xbox One players will have the option of downloading episodes, but PC players won't be able to do the same. Hopefully you have a good internet connection, especially if you want to stream the episodes in 4K - a PC-exclusive option.

Odustajem od ove igre.
Pa cuj, kako su krenuli treba ce ti i xbox one da bi mogao da igras na PC-u :D.
Quantum Break's live action cutscenes will require an internet connection.


"But the puzzling bit is that while the Xbox One will have an option to download all the episode videos in advance and skip streaming, the Windows 10 version won’t. That’s the opposite of what I’d expect. Louden explained to Game Informer that the PC version will support 2160p-resolution videos, which would be hefty files but… PCs are not typically short of storage space. Baffling."

Poslednja izmena:
Nije dovoljno odustati od igre, cela platforma im je užas.
mikrosoftova ili remedijeva ;) ?
Tja ocekivao sam zanimljivije napucanje kad ono nista specijalno. GoW sa slowmotion stim sto GoW ima krvav smek cega ovde nema.
A ove igre sa Windows store-a da ne očekujem kod čika gusara? Odigrao bih Gears opet, ali da ne moram da palim x360 opet.
Ne ocekuj, bas su zasticene, nemaju denuvo ali sam store ima neku zastitu pa tako pristup fajlovima igre ima samo admin i naravno ne moze da ih "sharuje" :p jedino da se plati, mada ja necu zaliti da dam ako izadje forza horizon 3 ili full verzija forze 6 pa makar kostale i 60$
moći će sigurno, samo je pitanje vremena i eventualnog omasovljenja win10.
Gde ovo moze da se preorderuje za win?
Ni tamo ne nalazim. :D Interesting je ovaj store :D
Mozes da preorderujes za xbox one, dobija se free PC kod. :)
Kupicu ja, ali cu igrati na pc-u :D.
Nisam gledao, ali cenim da je klasicnih 60$. Naravno, igru mogu da podele dvojica (ne znam da li ovo vazi i za Windows Store).
Siguran sam da odnos cena/kvalitet nije vrhunski :).
Mogu je podeliti na xboxu, ali se uz jednu igru dobija jedan kod. A ništa nas ne sprečava da delimo taj account na kom je igra na PC.
Onda Sympathy Chan, uzimamo?
Siguran sam da odnos cena/kvalitet nije vrhunski :).

Pogledao sam onaj technical preview i promenio sam misljenje o igri. Ovo je bas prvi Max Payne fazon, zabavno napucavanje uz filmsku pricu. Mnogo bolje nego repetitivni Alan Wake. Sto i rece covek u tech. preview-u.
meni je vejk vrh vrhova sa svakog aspekta,i dan danas druga najlepsa igra ikad.
Vrh Dno