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[Kickstarter] Wolcen



Umbra by SolarFall Games @ Kickstarter

Ukratko, next gen aRPG (aka Diablo žanr). Cryengine grafika u sprezi sa Quixel Megascans, rezultat grafika boli glava. Još kada bi priča i sinematici bili na nivou, eto nama novog kralja žanra. Za sada je multiplayer u ranoj fazi ali ne sumnjam da će tu ozbiljno zasukati rukave kako vreme bude odmicalo.

Umbra GDC 2015 Trailer

Umbra gameplay mechanics #1

Umbra environment and gameplay

Umbra Housing system

Umbra Weaponry System & Craft

Umbra - Commented playthrough prototype

Umbra - LiveStream with Crytek!

Umbra - Level Generator

Umbra Character customization basics

Umbra - Apocalyptic Forms

Umbra - Technical Prototype - AMA with the Lead Developer (Part 1/2)

Umbra - Technical Prototype - AMA with the Lead Developer (Part 2/2)
S obzirom kako trenutno izgleda i da će biti native Linux verzija razmišljam da odradim preorder. :)
posedujem igru vec neko vreme pikao oko 10tak sati

ceka se sutra full realise
Baš sam se pitao jel postoji tema uopšte za ovo. Isto ovde, čeka se sutra.
Očekivanja mi nisu prevelika, srž igre deluje zdravo tako da se nadam da će je vremenom ažurirati u pravom smeru.
Prvi put cujem za ovaj studio, vidim da im je ovo prva igra, nadam se da ce valjati, da dobijemo bar neki Diablo klon koji valja, kad vec trojka ne valja.
Hvale ljudi grafiku, sto ne cudi zbog engine-a.

Sa Steam-a komentar:

Wow, just wow. So much potential in a game is super refreshing. I will do a quick but detailed analysis below in the form of Pro-Cons

1. Visuals: Next gen ARPG is here, and this game embodies it. Visually this game is a beauty and the action is visual gratifying. Smashes LOOK, and feeeeell like something getting hit hard.

2. Skill diversity: This is huge, you literally can create infinite combinations with every weapon in the game. Key thing there is the weapon you are holding determines what skills you have access too. Where build diversity develops is clearly in the Passive tree. Which felt purposeful and helpful. Instead of mundane, and confusing.

3. Simple to get, hard to master: This cannot be stressed enough, the game has a learning curve in the beginning but I found by about and hour or so in I was getting used to the systems, currency. Amazing how much that enhanced my game-play experience. I felt emerged and not distracted by what best farming methods were, money was easy enough to come by just playing the game. What a shock

4. Visual Design: They do steampunk/Diablo style really good. I felt every class of clothing got reallllly cool over time. I thought everyone of the pieces of armor felt powerful and unique. Which is important as in some games when you play mage you look like grandpa decided to bust out his pajamas and throw some spells. You could really appreciate it on your character but sure to zoom in. Everything looks cool adding to the fun of getting new gear.

5. Spell Diversity: Really good job here, the game has a unique resource economy for spells that felt new but balanced. I felt rewarded for striking a solid balance between rage and wrath.

6. Story: This will hit both the pro and con list for different reasons. It will hit pro for the new approach to building a new world. I felt more as the story went along I wanted to learn more of the lore. Speaking of, a good addition to the game would be random lore drops that play in the background while I move through the dungeon. The republics, brothers of dawn, and all these other factions at play create a strong backdrop.

7. Music: Haha goodness, I normally turn music off. I purposely left it on, very well done. No words will describe this. Just enjoy.

Plenty others could go here but this is what came to mind at the time of the review.

1. Buggy: THIS IS TO BE EXPECTED. however as of writing this review the game is going to be released in several weeks. I am hoping they have attacked the bugs. The eldrich (I think that is his brothers name) fight towards the end was really busted. Like I was goku teleporting around randomly firing hoping to get some hits. It was clearly an issue and of course he kept repeating his voice lines. "FATHER IS ALL I HAVE LEFT" was a line I will scream tonight scaring the crap of both my dogs and wife. I am giving the benefit of the doubt here that the team is aware of this issue as it is in the main Questline, and thus, many players are encountering it. But in general the personal stash bug (it just sits there but can't be accessed), and certain items just straight up acting weird. Time to get the ol buffer out and attack those bugs.

2. Key mapping: So, this was weird to have skills at the 1-6 keys will my roll/dodge button as spacebar. The roll button felt natural, the 1-6 keys didn't. These game has awesome flow but clunky control schemes can wreck that fast. I ended up binding all my skills to ASDFGH and remapping those keys somewhere else. Bear this in mind when trying to incentivize the player to play fast, and chain together abilities for maximum effect.

3. Story: A bit generic out the gate. However it improved as it went along. Perhaps give an opening cutscene for some context so as to give the player a reason to care about the character they are playing apart from the general video game incentive of. "This is your avatar don't let them die"

4. Quality of life notes: Like for example the two handed weapons at a quick glance don't say they are two handed. So as I was getting to know the weapons arsenal I had to equip stuff to understand its function. Not a huge deal but a minor inconvience. There were a few others that I had noticed by they currently slip my mind.

Final Summary: All in All I am VERY excited for this game. It has ample amounts of potential and I legit was getting more and more sucked in as I played. Which for me is a good sign, generally its the opposite effect.
This game can very well smash into the ARPG mountain and cause the great ARPG giants to waiver Perhaps POE and Diablo should keep an eye out. If Wolcen can give us a polished game (As in the main storyline doesn't have gamebreaking bugs) and have an endgame to keep a vibrant playerbase alive and coming back for more. Then I can very much see it entering the arena of hitters like Diablo and POE. ENDGAME should be a key focus. I for one will be playing this game on launch sucking up the great experinece I recieved with the beta. That said this game is poised for pure excellence and a very bright future. The stage is set, can the Wolcen team show up?
Treba promeniti ime teme u Wolcen
Skill tree :shock: Nisam imao pojma da ova igra postoji
Ja uzeo sinoc, krenucu polako da igram, pa cemo videti.

Ako igra zazivi, bilo bi lepo da se organizujemo, kao onomad za D3...
Izašla. Veličina oko 25GB.
Naravno, problem sa loginom postoji, tako da je trenutno moguće igrati samo offline. Imati u vidu da offline i online likovi su kompletno odvojeni, i ne mogu da se prebacuju iz jednog moda u drugi (prvenstveno kako bi sprečili cheatere u online modu)
Jos dosta ovo treba da se pegla; ja sam za sad batalio, probacu ponovo kad izbace neku expanziju.
toliko je neigrivo?
Ima dobar broj pozitivnih reviewa, tako da tebi moze da ispadne super, ko zna. Meni je bilo dosta kad sam nekoliko puta sreo izglitchovane neprijtalje koje ne mozes da ciljas a ni da ubijes.
Guram kroz bizarne fps dropove, guram kroz audio bagove, guram kroz input latency, ali posle ovog rekoh dosta.
Igra ima odlicnu srz, ali sto se mene tice jos treba da se radi na njoj.
Dosta ljudi uziva (valjda) bez problema, ali na Steamu stoji 7/10 avarage, tako da nije bas par izolovanih slucaja...
Poslednja izmena:
ok, hvala na odgovoru. bas mi se igra i super izgleda pa me kopka da ga uzmem.
Da dodam i to da ljudi prijavljuju da im se desava da im igra obrise progress/save u potpunosti.
Nije da odgovaram od kupovine, al eto... buyer beware :D
uhh, pa ovo je gore nego rdr2 :)
sacekacu onda jos malko.
hvala na upozorenju.
e *mjau**mjau**mjau* ja se ponadao sve radi u fulu...
Ma nikako ne radi u fulu još, barem je dev aktivan na redditu pa postoji neka okej komunikacija.
Za sada su tu i dalje problemi sa serverima i nadam se da će sutra biti otklonjeni.
Ovako igri definitivno nedostaju neka unapređenja koja bi trebala biti sređena sa prvim većim patchom:
- tagovi itema koji su dropovali nestanu posle 5-10sec, pa moraš da se cimaš da ih vidiš
- teško je kliknuti na tagove i pickovati item (od ovoga ludim)
- neki iritantan lag postoji pri prodaji inventara merchu
- neki menu elementi su klikabilni čak i kada je neki drugi element prikazan preko njega
- reward prozor iskače dok si u sred borbe
- postoji par bagova zbog kojih neki skilovi su skroz neupotrebljivi, itd

Mislim da ove stvari moraju asap da se srede, sve ostalo može da čeka, iako definitivno lista za QoL unapređenja nije kratka.
I pored svega - uživam u igri.
Tagovi itema imaju neki fade, pritisnes ALT i pokaze ti opet gde se nalaze.

Itemi nemaju onaj glow efekat u inventaru kad ih pokupis, svaki put razmisljam sta sam uzeo...
Poslednja izmena:
Igra ima par bagova a po po pojedincima ovde ispada da je neigriva. Posle 10ak sati , jedino sto sam primetio je da je na par sekundi zafalilo par zvucnih efekata.
Gluposti kao sto neki navode -input lag, frame drop... su od slucaja do slucaja. Kod mene sve klizi kao podmazano.
Mislim porediti stanje pri releasu sa RDR2 je preterivanje , narocito ako uzmemo u obzir da je ovo od ekipe koja je izgurala razvoj igre preko kickstartera.

Igra je odlicna, nije bas super-hard-core kao path of exile , ali uopste nije ni naivna. Ima pregrst sadrzaja cak i kada se igra predje (sudeci po raznim reviews-ima).
Online mod ne radi vec dva dana, sve podseca na D3 Error 37 koji je trajao danima...
E dobri stari error 37 :d


Inace kazu developeri da ce im za online trebati "a bit more time"
Hahaha...Sat vremena pre nego sto ce D3 izaci neko je ovde okacio taj isti Gif!Smejao sam se kao lud!
Kakav je online mod?Jel isti kao D3?
Poslednja izmena:
Saznacemo cim zakupe jos serverkog bandwidtha :p

Connectivity issues

When the game launched we were already in contact with our server partners to increase the charge of the servers in case of a high number of connections. But the numbers raised insanely fast and the simultaneous attempts to join the servers also caused issues with the authentication. We had to ask for more capacities there as well.

The number of players has somehow stabilized but we might experience other peaks this evening and during the weekend and we’re doing our best to prepare our servers for that.

Right now, we have more servers, more space, and this evening we will also apply a hotfix that will resolve some server & client crash, improve authentication and reduce the amount of disconnection from game services. We will also add a safeguard regarding quest progression loss.

However, the friendlist functionalities/party group are still being restricted for the moment until the situation stabilizes.

Progression save issues

We encountered two issues:

Random items put in your personal chest are at risk of being lost Online. We identified a possible cause and we're working on a fix.
We're still working on a fix for characters disappearing after being created.
A hotfix( ER) was applied yesterday evening to resolve most of the quest progression loss for online and offline characters. We will push an additional safeguards this evening to prevent the issue from happening again, and we will keep monitoring the situation.

Other known issues

Our teams are also working on other issues that will be hotfixed. Here is a non-exhaustive list of bugs we’ve already fixed and hope to push early next week:

Fixing some Gate of Fates nodes with wrong values, leading to unexpected results.
Fixing some rare occurence of Offering Shrine being unable to generate valid objects at a low character level.
Fixing the “additional stamina points” magic effect on boots being unable to roll on high level items.
Fixing one unique item cosmetic mismatch leading to “undefined weapon” icons and invisible mesh.
Fixing a generation issue on some Maps and Reverie incense leading to the wrong area (as an exemple, expedition with more chests that won’t have any chests).
Fixing an issue with ailment damage numbers in the character sheet not scaling with ailments damage bonuses. This already works gameplay wise so those magic effects have an effect, it’s just not shown in the character sheet.
Fixing an issue with the Endgame special boss not looting upon death.
And fixing various client or server crashes.

We keep gathering your reports and we keep working on other issues that will be fixed eventually. We also already planned another hotfix for the end of next week, and we’re ready to hotfix as soon as possible if there are critical issues that need to be addressed.

Please accept our apologies again for the inconvenience. Thank you for being so many to support us.
Igra je veoma zabavna, gameplay je baš kako treba, nije ni suviše brz, ni suviše spor.
Najviše nerviraju bagovi u vezi pasivnih skilova (ima na redditu lista koji ne rade kako treba), valjda će to brzo ispraviti.
Item-izacija je ok, ima za svaki klasni arhetip po nešto, takođe pasivni sistem sa rotirajućim krugovima je dobra novina.
Nadam se da igra neće zamreti posle par meseci i da će devovi dodavati nove skilove, iteme itd.
Krenuo sa Wizardom
Sta je ono occult , shadow, material, aether damage... sta su ailment... :D pola stvari ne znam sta radi i za sta sluzi...

Inace glasovna gluma, prica je skroz ok. Grafika i madjije su odlicno uradjene, podseca me na onu korejsku igru Lost Ark...
Poslednja izmena:
Vrh Dno