Šta je novo?

Windows (phone) 10


Azuriran Store, ovo je odvratno.

Prvo poster od igre, pa onda ono sto je pre bilo u store-u logo itd. Uzas .

Sent from DeadOS W10M
Pise ti "you own this product", i stoji install? Sta se desi kad kliknes install?
Windows Phone ima budućnost

Mnogi kažu da su Windows telefoni prošlost, a sudeći po tome šta se dešavalo sa platformom u poslednjih godinu dana, to i nije baš netačno. Iako svi kupuju telefone sa iOS ili Android platformom, direktor Microsoft-a Satja Nadela sugeriše da mobile i dalje ima budućnost u okviru Microsoft-a, iako bi cela stvar mogla da se oblikuje na sasvim drugi način.

U intervjuu za Business Insider, Nadela je ponovio da je Windows 10 operativni sistem izgrađen za sve uređaje. Ipak, ono što je posebno važno je da je on posle dugo vremena spomenuo potrošače kao važan deo strategije kompanije.

"Za mene su novi oblici računarstva ono što želimo da izgradimo za potrošače. Međutim, važno je da umesto da mislimo o svakom od tih uređaja kao o nezavisnom računaru, mi mislimo da oni treba da formiraju niz uređaja za vas" istakao je Nadela.

Iako još uvek nije sasvim jasno šta ovaj novi niz uključuje, podsetićemo se da je Microsoft postao pionir novih formi uređaja sa Surface linijom, a glasine govore da kompanija želi da učini isto i sa Surface Phone telefonom. Iako je još uvek previše rano spekulisati o formi koju će Surface Phone doneti, imajući u vidu da projekat još uvek nije ni potvrđen, glasine ipak govore da će on biti više od telefona. Informacije govore da kompanija istražuje način da kreira uređaj koji će se lako konvertovati u drugu formu kao što je laptop.

Osim ako ne naprave transformers phone-laptop,opet se puca u prazno...
Zasto na 535 ne mogu da uradim upgrade na 10? Preko Update advisora nece, kaze da nije podrzana desetka... Ima li neki nacin da se ubaci?

Sent from mTalk
Ja sam napisao kako sam to resio.Stavio sam region na Madjarsku.
Pronasao sam jedva da negde o tome neko pise,posto se nigde ne pominje ovaj problem sa nadogradnjom.
Tamo gde sam citao o tome,uspesno su resili problem tako sto iskljucis sve mrezne konekcije,wifi i prenos podataka...
Zatim pokrenes,naravno vec preuzetu i instaliranu aplikaciju,upgrade advisor ili savetnik za nadogradnju,mada je to isto...
Kada si iskljucio wifi,pokrenes upgrade I on odmah ponudi da stikliras da krene da skida nadogradnju za desetku.
Naravno kada se to dogodi ukljucis wifi i to je sve.
Windows Phone ima budućnost

Mnogi kažu da su Windows telefoni prošlost, a sudeći po tome šta se dešavalo sa platformom u poslednjih godinu dana, to i nije baš netačno. Iako svi kupuju telefone sa iOS ili Android platformom, direktor Microsoft-a Satja Nadela sugeriše da mobile i dalje ima budućnost u okviru Microsoft-a, iako bi cela stvar mogla da se oblikuje na sasvim drugi način.

U intervjuu za Business Insider, Nadela je ponovio da je Windows 10 operativni sistem izgrađen za sve uređaje. Ipak, ono što je posebno važno je da je on posle dugo vremena spomenuo potrošače kao važan deo strategije kompanije.

"Za mene su novi oblici računarstva ono što želimo da izgradimo za potrošače. Međutim, važno je da umesto da mislimo o svakom od tih uređaja kao o nezavisnom računaru, mi mislimo da oni treba da formiraju niz uređaja za vas" istakao je Nadela.

Iako još uvek nije sasvim jasno šta ovaj novi niz uključuje, podsetićemo se da je Microsoft postao pionir novih formi uređaja sa Surface linijom, a glasine govore da kompanija želi da učini isto i sa Surface Phone telefonom. Iako je još uvek previše rano spekulisati o formi koju će Surface Phone doneti, imajući u vidu da projekat još uvek nije ni potvrđen, glasine ipak govore da će on biti više od telefona. Informacije govore da kompanija istražuje način da kreira uređaj koji će se lako konvertovati u drugu formu kao što je laptop.


To je clanak o nekom novom OS-u koji nije ni nalik na sadasnji w10m niti ce ikad biti...
MS je gori od srbistanaca i za razliku od nas su odustali su pre pola bitke i otisli u neke maglovite vode koje ih nisu nigde dovele...
Prosto neverovatna cinjenica da su u sve operacije oko telefona ulupali preko 20B $ i pacetina...
Peru pare? :D
Ko pri zdravom razumu troši 20 milijardi $ i na kraju puca sebi u obe noge?
Zanimljivo skretanje farova sa puta i postavljenog pitanja...

Preuzeto sa sajta MSPU:

"Many of our readers will, of course, have the first-hand experience of Microsoft moving on from failure in the mobile phone market, and it is telling that smartphones are pointedly missing from Nadella’s vision of “the next big thing”:

Satya Nadella ODGOVOR:
"What we are excited about is this new category of personal computing. Today we think that the form factor used by us most is the mobile device. It’s the case today, so was the PC for a long time. The question is: What happens next? What are the new categories?

We were excited to create the 2-in-1 category, which is the fastest-growing amongst PCs. We are very excited about Surface Studio and what it means to reimagine what the desktop computer is. We are also very excited about Surface Hub as a computer for meeting rooms, of course also about HoloLens and the whole mixed-reality world. So for me the new forms of computing is what we want to build for consumers. But it is important that, instead of thinking that each one of these works as an independent computer, we think they have to form a fabric of devices for you.

It’s about your mobility, your ability to get work done as an individual or as a team, when you have lots and lots of screens and computers around you. So when we talk about Windows 10, it’s not about a device operating system anymore, it’s an operating system for all of your devices. That’s how we’re trying to not only tackle the innovative challenge of bringing new things to life, but also deal with the social complexity of a lot of devices in your life."

Marketinska klasika prvo ti zamaze oci necim nebitnim i totalno nevezanim a onda sruci tri+ reci van konteksta kao odgovor...
Peru pare? :D
Ko pri zdravom razumu troši 20 milijardi $ i na kraju puca sebi u obe noge?

Samo na kupovinu Nokie je potrošeno 7-8 milijardi USD, ako dodamo i sve ostalo oko WP-a, sasvim sigurno je barem reč o dvocifren broj milijardi USD.
Samo na kupovinu Nokie je potrošeno 7-8 milijardi USD, ako dodamo i sve ostalo oko WP-a, sasvim sigurno je barem reč o dvocifren broj milijardi USD.

Nokia 9... preimenovase ga u Microsoft i po svemu sudeci digose ruke...
Skype 8.5... ubise ih Biber i sha ima raja...
Minecraft 2.8... cemu li ovo sluzi...

Stigosmo do 20+ presipanja iz supljeg u prazno samo da se nesto desava...

I onda Satya kaze sledece:

Dok u linku koji je postavio @Enemoon par postova iznad se vec prica kako je MS resio da napravi novi OS koji ce pocepati sve druge...
A sta ce biti sa trenutnim w10m kome ne treba puno ni oni sami ne znaju sta im je ciniti...

Meni sve lici da tu nema kormilara...

No to je manje bitno od novog update-a w10m uredjaja za CU verziju... za sad jos uvek nista... kaze da mojoj ubogoj L640 XL DS nije potrebna nadogradnja...

Jos vise me nervira sto na laptopu jos uvek nisam dobio zvanicnu nadogradnju sistema na CU...
Nokia 9... preimenovase ga u Microsoft i po svemu sudeci digose ruke...
Skype 8.5... ubise ih Biber i sha ima raja...
Minecraft 2.8... cemu li ovo sluzi...

Stigosmo do 20+ presipanja iz supljeg u prazno samo da se nesto desava...

I onda Satya kaze sledece:

Dok u linku koji je postavio @Enemoon par postova iznad se vec prica kako je MS resio da napravi novi OS koji ce pocepati sve druge...
A sta ce biti sa trenutnim w10m kome ne treba puno ni oni sami ne znaju sta im je ciniti...

Meni sve lici da tu nema kormilara...

No to je manje bitno od novog update-a w10m uredjaja za CU verziju... za sad jos uvek nista... kaze da mojoj ubogoj L640 XL DS nije potrebna nadogradnja...

Jos vise me nervira sto na laptopu jos uvek nisam dobio zvanicnu nadogradnju sistema na CU...

U par klika se skida zvanicna nadogradnja a to ces videti ako zaviris u podmeni Setting/Update...
U par klika se skida zvanicna nadogradnja a to ces videti ako zaviris u podmeni Setting/Update...

Hmmm... zar to ne treba automatski... bas kao kako je ono nazvase kumulativna nadogradnja 14393.1066...
Mislim da ce posle CU biti ovako... :D

Poslednja izmena:
Poslednja izmena:
Jel zna neko šta novo donosi uopšte Windows Creators Update za W10M?

Sent from mTalk
Jel zna neko šta novo donosi uopšte Windows Creators Update za W10M?

Sent from mTalk


Detaljnije nema cak ni na MS-ovim stranicama :D

Improved performance of HTTP images on Live Tiles
Cortana + search
Cortana can now provide links to Microsoft Edge tabs and SharePoint documents to let you continue where you left on another device
Cortana can now use notification grouping
Cortana can now change the volume of your device
You can now use Cortana to control music playback on more apps
Cortana will now remember what music app was used last time and open it by default if no app is specified
While listening to a radio station, you can ask Cortana to identify the song
Cortana can now recognize music in Chinese
Cortana now supports sign-in with Azure Active Directory identity to allow you to sign-in with your work or school account
The microphone icon for Cortana has been updated
Time-based reminders can now be recurring every month or year
Improved reliability when using Cortana to receive incoming SMS messages over Bluetooth
Action center
When you receive a missed call notification, it will now show options to call back, text or remind yourself to do something at a later moment
You'll now get a notification welcoming you to Action Center
Stylized buttons in notifications are now aligned to the right to match other dialogs
User Interface
The share icon in the Segoe MDL2 font has been updated
Microsoft Edge
Edge 40.15063
Edge now supports the EPUB file format
Icons of pages in the hub are now larger
You can now zoom into webpages up to 500% regardless of the meta viewport setting of that webpage
Apps for Websites will now work
You can now right-click on PDF documents and choose to show the toolbar
The PDF toolbar now shown an option to search in the document for words
The PDF toolbar has an updated design, altering the look of the pagination field
"Books" has been added as a new page in the Hub
You can now enable sites to open in apps if that is supported
You can now let Edge read books aloud to you
If you click on an image, you can now use Ctrl + Mouse wheel to zoom in the e-book viewer
Tabs will now show a book icon when reading a book
If a book is being read aloud, switching the page will now make the reader jump to that page
Edge will now remember your read aloud-settings for other books
EdgeHTML 15.15063
Partial support for Webkit-Text-Stroke and outline-offset
Partial support for WebRTC 1.0
Improved performance on websites that change a large number of HTML Elements by improving the spellchecker efficiency
H.264/AVC is now enabled by default for RTC
Support for CSS Custom Properties and CSP 2.0 (in development)
Improved support for WebRTC 1.0 and Service Workers (in development, behind flags)
General performance improvements
Changes to the network logic for Fetch algorithms in preparation for Service Worker Fetch interception (behind flags)
First stage of render refactor to broaden support for independent composition
Support for WebVR
Support for Content Security Policy 2
Preview support for Web Payments
Support for the Brotli compressed data format (on by default) as an HTTP content-encoding method
Updated the MS-prefixed FIDO 2.0 implementation to match the latest W3C Web Authentication specification
Partial support for CSS Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables)
Preliminary support for the IntersectionObserver API
Async/await is on by default
DOM performance improvements
When using emoji’s, Edge will now render them in full color by default
WebRTC 1.0 is now enabled by default
Re-deferral support
Chakra JIT is not out-of-process by default
Support for SharedArrayBuffer behind the Experimental JavaScript Features flag
Support for WebAssembly behind the Experimental JavaScript Features flag
"Service Workers" has been added
"TCP Fast Open" has been added
You can now set the composition engine
"Enable New Editing Command Implementation" has been added
"Enable New Serialization for Clipboard Implementation" has been added
"Enable TSF 3D Implementation" has been added
"Disable navigator.pointerEnabled API" has been added
"Core platform support for Fetch abstraction" has been added
"Preliminary implementation of the Payment Request DOM API" has been added
"Support for the individual transform syntax for CSS transforms" has been added
"Allow independent rendering of HTML5 Video elements" has been added
"Enable individual transforms" has been added
"Enable Input Interleaved Tasks" has been added
"Allow background tabs to be put into a low power mode" has been added
"Enable experimental networking features" has been added
"Only execute timers once per second in nonvisible tabs to improve battery life" has been removed
"Use legacy setInterval behavior" has been removed
"Enable experimental H.264/AVC support" has been removed
"Enable Media Downloads over Fetch" has been added
"Enable CSS Downloads over Fetch" has been added
"Enable Web Authentication APIs for accessing scoped credentials" has been added
Storage Usage now shows icons for each type of file
Offline maps storage location has been moved from "Offline maps" to "Storage"
You can now manage notifications from the Settings app
Alarms from 3rd party alarm apps can now break through Quiet Hours
New rendering technology for content in UWP apps
OAuth is now supported for Yahoo Mail accounts
"Bluetooth" and "Connected Devices" has been merged into "Bluetooth & other devices"
Bluetooth audio devices can now be disconnected and reconnected
Network & Internet
Wi-Fi has been revamped, containing the same features as the PC version of the panel
Improved reliability in the VPN Settings page
You can now set a time for when the Wi-Fi connection on your device has to be turned on again in the new Wi-Fi page
The default setting for Wi-Fi to be turned on again is now "Manually" instead of "1 hour"
Improved UI and performance for the Data usage page
It's now easier to differentiate between cellular data on each SIM in a multi SIM device
"Wi-Fi Sense" and "Paid Wi-Fi Services" have been merged into the new "Wi-Fi Services" on the "Wi-Fi" page
Sound settings will now show ringtones, alarms and notifications automatically when downloaded from OneDrive or copied from File Explorer into the Ringtones folder
You can now set Glance to be always on when the device is charging
Apps has been added as a new category
"Apps & features", "Default apps", "Offline maps" and "Apps for websites" have been moved from System to Apps
You can now reset apps
You can now sync settings such as passwords, Wi-Fi profiles, Edge Favorites, Edge Reading List and app data with Azure Active Directory Identity
Logging in with Windows Hello will now work much faster
App corner has been removed
Time & language
"Switch back to letters after I type an emoticon" is now disabled by default
Ease of Access
You can now set audio to use mono
Nothing to share yet
Update & recovery
You can now suspend updates for 35 days
Enterprises can now require SDs to be encrypted
You can now require Windows to warn you more often before rebooting to update
A sidebar is now shown offering help and links to related settings
When scrolling in Settings, the header will now stay visible on top
There is a new set of sounds to align with other editions of Windows
The "You need to fix your MSA" notification logic has been improved so new ones will no longer follow each other in quick succession
You can now uninstall a number of stock apps that previously did not support this
When your typed word is about to be corrected, the word you originally typed will now appear as the second option
You can now tap on words with a "-"-sign to remove them from your dictionary
The onscreen French keyboards have an updated punctuation rule for two-part punctuation marks, except for French (Canada)
This update is being rolled out with the Unified Update Platform
Windows will now no longer require you to go through another build when upgrading from a certain build
Behavior of the scrollbar has been improved for apps using the Creators Update SDK
Updated Bluetooth API with GATT Server, Bluetooth LE Peripheral role and unpaired Bluetooth LE device connectivity support
Improved XAML framework to make UWP apps work better in high contrast
A number of improvements have been made to translations
Improved performance for English (India) text prediction
Improved translations for French (France and Canada) and Chinese
Latin-based languages now have an ellipsis child key when holding the period key on the touch keyboard
View 3D Preview has been added as a default app
Windows Store
You can now buy books through the Windows Store
Other features
The time-out for your phones screen and Continuum-screen can now be set separately
Narrator will now read the content of the page before the content on the bottom app bar if an app has one
It is no longer possible to disable an alarm on the lock screen
Alarms will now start at a higher volume level and ramp up from there
Apps can now request users to pin their primary tile
The rainbow flag icon has been added to the Transportation and weather sections in the keyboard
And further
Improved performance of loading long lists of photos in File Explorer when a device is connected to a PC
The rainbow flag emoji is now supported
Improved battery life when apps like OneDrive are running on the background
Improved reliability when handling malformed Gifs in XAML-based apps
Improved video playback when using Continuum with Miracast
Windows now identifies itself as version 1703
Fixed issues
Fixes a bug that resulted in inbox apps to crash and preventing them from being updated through the Store
Fixes an issue that resulted in some background tasks not running
Fixes an issue where you may lose your call, text and email history if your device would unexpectedly reboot
Speech Packs are now available to download and install normally again
Fixes an issue where you may experience connection failures after paring Bluetooth devices
Fixes an issue where replacing the default APN for LTE on the phone didn't work
Known issues
Some pages in Edge might reload, especially when scrolling
Upgrading directly from build 14393 to 15063 won't work, hopping to build 15055 is required
Windows Insider Program setting may require you to reboot your phone causing it to get stuck in a bootloop, fixed server side
10.0.15063.2 28 MARCH 2017
Fixed issues
Fixes an issue that prevented users from upgrading from build 14393
10.0.15063.138 11 APRIL 2017
Fixed issues
Fixes issues with updated time zone information
Security updates to Scripting Engine, libjpeg image-processing library, Hyper-V, Windows kernel-mode drivers, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Internet Explorer, Graphics Component, Active Directory Federation Services, .NET Framework, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Microsoft Edge and Windows OLE
10.0.15063.251 YESTERDAY
Fixed issues
Fixes an issue where VMs might experience loss in network connectivity while provisioning IP addresses
Fixes an issue that does not initiate a remote ring on the device when RemoteRing Configuration Service Provider (CSP) is used
Fixes an issue where a memory leak occurs in Internet Explorer when hosting pages containing nested framesets that load cross-domain content
Fixes an issue where Internet Explorer 11 does not save JavaScript files when exporting to an MHT file
Fixes an issue that causes users to get logged out from Web applications intermittently
Fixes an issue with a very dim internal monitor that may occur when booting with the external monitor only and then switching to the built-in panel only
Fixes an issue where running Win32 Direct3D applications or games in full-screen exclusive mode causes the system to become unresponsive when resuming from Connected Standby
Fixes an issue where when upgrading to Windows 10, version 1703, with the system language set to Chinese, the progress page displays geometric shapes instead of the correct localized strings
Fixes an issue that prevents the lock screen from being disabled using Group Policy on Professional SKUs
Fixes an issue in Windows Forms configuration options, which causes antivirus applications to stop working at startup
Fixes additional issues with compatibility, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge
Poslednja izmena:
Pa valjda je bolje nego ništa.

Sent from mTalk
Pa valjda je bolje nego ništa.

Sent from mTalk

Da, licno koristicu 950 jos neko vreme ali preletecu opet na droid :(

Cakacu sta ce MS sledece godine napraviti i mozda se opet vratiti ...

Iskreno razocaran sam u MS...

Samo 2 sistema na celoj planeti, to je malo.

Zivote skote.
Da, licno koristicu 950 jos neko vreme ali preletecu opet na droid :(

Cakacu sta ce MS sledece godine napraviti i mozda se opet vratiti ...

Iskreno razocaran sam u MS...

Samo 2 sistema na celoj planeti, to je malo.

Zivote skote.

Bez panike za godinu dve ce neko izbaciti neki kuvani Androd ROM za L950 cisto da se ne baci solidan HW...
Poslednja izmena:
Bez panike za godinu dve ce neko izbaciti neki kuvani Androd ROM za L950 cisto da se ne baci solidan HW...

Da, kao sto danas ima za mnoge WP telefone, tipa Lumia 800 :d

Zvanicna podrska za 950 je do kraja 2018.

Pune 3 god od momenta dostupnosti na trzistu.

Najduze sam koristio Z2 do sada preko godinu ipo dana, 950 necu sigurno toliko koristiti. :wave: sve dosadi, pa i ono sto radi savrseno.
Vrh Dno