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CosmosEx za Atari (multiple peripherals in single box)



Raspberry Pi u Atariju


  • serves as hard drive with SD card: the device has a single SD card slot which replaces a hard drive just like UltraSatan or SatanDisk
  • serves as hard drive with USB media: just insert a USB drive to USB slot and use it as a hard drive
  • serves as hard drive with shared folder from PC: use shared folder from other computer through network, map it to TOS drive letter – for easy transfer between your ST and PC in plain TOS (MiNT not needed).
  • serves as floppy emulator: loads .st and .msa images from connected media (e.g. usb key). Just select up to 3 images in the floppy image pool and switch between them using hardware button (more image formats will be added soon)
  • downloading of floppy images using simple tool from internet directly to the device (something similar to some app store) – play old games just after few clicks
  • can replace your keyboard, mouse and joysticks: just plug in a USB keyboard, mouse or joysticks to USB slot and you can use them with your ST (just like you would with Eiffel interface). But the best news is that you don’t have to replace all of them if you need only some of them – use USB joystick and USB mouse along with your original keyboard (or any other combination) – the USB peripherals are injected in the original peripherals data stream. No driver on ST needed, so this will work with games, too!
  • one metal case version of the device: the device can be used from outside of your computer or can be put in the place of internal floppy drive.
  • configurable from ST using a simple application
  • software updates available through network – one click update from the configuration application

Features that are planned for later

  • network driver – a lightweight Stick / Sting replacement, most of the network processing will be done in the device, the network speed will be much higher than any other current network solution for ST
  • support for opening ZIP files in TOS just like any other folder (in translated drive mode)
  • can you think of some other interesting feature? Let me know, maybe I’ll add it to this list ;)

cena prava sitnica:

The estimated price is 65 Euros without Raspberry Pi, or 103 Euros with Raspberry Pi. http://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=26088
cena prava sitnica:
The estimated price is 65 Euros without Raspberry Pi, or 103 Euros with Raspberry Pi.
Da, baš sitnica... Mada, ako se uporedi sa cenom UltraSatan uređaja (80, odnosno 90e), nije strašno (i još jednom: nije strašno SAMO u poređenju sa ovim).
pa jeste sitnica:

USB mouse adapter - 15e.
NetUSBee (LAN + USB) - preko 50e.
HxC (flopy emulator) - 100e
SatanDisk (harddisk) - 90e

CosmosEx je sve to objedinio + dodao neke stvari koje do sada nisu ni vidjene na Atariju
tako da sve ostale dosadasnje periferije mogu u kantu! ;)
Ataristi trebaju da budu srecni sa cenama novog hardvera za svoje masine. Sad bas gledam, CT63+CTPCI 420e, sam CT63 kosta 320e i to sa '060 na 95mhz !!! (bez procesora 240e), sto znaci da CTPCI kosta 100e. Pa samo mediator za A1200 kosta 220e, nesto kao CT63 ni ne postoji za Amigu (novo), ako se i naleti na neki super brzi Apollo 1260 (samo Apollo kartice idu na 90-100mhz sa 060), to kosta bar 500e, komplet 700e minimum (da ne pominjem sto Amiga mora da se stavlja u tower kuciste, sto znaci + Lyra keyboard adapter + angled PCMCIA + PSU). Da se ovo pravi za Amigu, kostalo bi bar 150e, cekalo bi se godinama i na kraju ne bi ni izaslo :)
Uh, da, nisam sve zaračunao... Mada, opet, puno mi je da za mašinu koja danas košta 40-50e (ovde očigledno ne mislim na TT/Falcon) kupujem dodatak od 100 i kusur evra. HxC mi je bar upotrebljiv i za druge računare (OK, i Raspberry Pi je takođe). Znam da će toj istoj mašini cena rasti kako vreme ide, sve dok se jednom ne pokvari neki deo za koji ne postoji zamena. Posle toga ostaju varijante tipa MiniMig, C-One, Turbo Chameleon i slične. Računam da će za nekoliko godina neki noviji Raspberry Pi moći da potera softversku emulaciju Falcona sa CT63 ili A1200 sa Apollo 1260 bez problema i za mnogo manje novca. To više neće biti retro mašina, samo zamena za nju, no čini mi se da će to biti jedini način kada ispravnih primeraka više ne bude bilo.
Amige, Commodore, Atariji, Spectrumi... su stvarno pravi testament jednog vremena kad su stvari bile pravljene da traju i da sluze *potrosacima*!

Btw intelovi cpu imaju problem da se izbore sa emolucijom falcona koja nije ni do 60% zavrsena (nije ni ST ;)). Ne znam ni da li su implementirali wakeup state pravilno u ST emulaciju... Tj ne znam ni kako da implentiraju kad se jos uvek ne zna zbog cega se to desava...
Poslednja izmena:
Ako se i naleti na neki super brzi Apollo 1260 (samo Apollo kartice idu na 90-100mhz sa 060), to kosta bar 500e, komplet 700e minimum (da ne pominjem sto Amiga mora da se stavlja u tower kuciste, sto znaci + Lyra keyboard adapter + angled PCMCIA + PSU). Da se ovo pravi za Amigu, kostalo bi bar 150e, cekalo bi se
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