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Windows Phone 8.1



Danas je službeno predstavljanje Windows Phone 8.1 od kojeg mnogi od nas puno očekuju.
To nije samo update kako se čini zbog broja kojeg nosi 8.1, već se radi o potpuno novoj verziji OS-a, koji zaslužuje i svoju posebnu temu.

Live streaming će biti na Channel 9.

samo da ubace slanje više dokumenata mejlom i ja ću biti srećan
Upravo pogledao ceo video, odlicno, bas sam zadovoljan. Jedva cekam preview...
Sabija.. brightness vrhunski resen, wallpaper resenje je svrsh :) Ima tu jos gomilu fora sigurno, ceka se neki detaljniji review..
Primetio sam da ako uređaj ima on screen tastere, oni ostaju vidljivi dok ide video playback i u kameri. Trebali su da ih nekako sakriju i da se nekim potezom pozovu nazad.
"If you want to try out Windows Phone 8.1 and you are a registered developer, you can update your phone as part of the Developer Preview Program in the first part of April."
Primetio sam da ako uređaj ima on screen tastere, oni ostaju vidljivi dok ide video playback i u kameri. Trebali su da ih nekako sakriju i da se nekim potezom pozovu nazad.

Mmm, ne znam bas, prvo hejtujem to totalno, uvek ima mesta za 'fizicke' tastere, na svakom telefonu.. a to sklanjanje je tako iritantno.. kao u iOS 7 browseru kad se sklanjaju non stop back/forward itd dugmici.
Nisam pratio kompletnu prezentaciju, pa me zanima da su rekli kada će biti dostupan preview ??
Kliknes magicno skrol dugme na misu i pogledas dva posta iznad tvog :)
Odličan ovaj apdejt. Taman da krene prodaja novih modela krajem leta kod nas kad mi istekne ugovor :)
Evo malo o developer preview za one kojima i dalje sto sta nije jasno:

* - preuzeto sa WPC.

First, the program is open to anyone who has a developer account. This includes developers who have paid for accounts in the Windows Phone Dev Center (Windows Phone Dev Center), as well as people who have gotten free accounts through the AppStudio program (Windows Phone App Studio - Microsoft). You do not have to be a developer in order to participate, and in fact, if you're hanging out here at WPCentral, you're probably a good candidate, as hanging here implies that you're a Windows Phone enthusiast, and therefore more likely to want the latest, greatest bits as soon as you can get your hands on them.

One of the bits of misinformation that I see pop up fairly often is, "It voids the warranty." No. This is not true. Take a look at what the fine print says:

After you install a preview update, you may void any warranty from your MO and OEM. In the unlikely event you run into an issue after you apply the prerelease update, you can visit the preview program’s support forum.

Note that it says that you may void the warranty from your MO (Mobile operator) and OEM (phone manufacturer). What it doesn't say is that you will void the warranty. Microsoft is the creator of the OS, and also the preview program. Microsoft did not make your phone. They are not (yet) in the phone-making business. Therefore, they are not a party to any warranty that you have on your phone. They cannot say that your warranty will or will not be voided. They put the disclaimer there so that IF the manufacturer of your phone decides not to back the phone after you upgrade it, you can't go running back to Microsoft and claim damages. This is nothing more than a good indication of the fact that there are far too many lawyers in America.

Is this a beta program? Am I going to get beta bits that are full of bugs?

No. This is not a beta program. It is a way to get the same bits that the manufacturers get, ahead of whenever your carrier decides to release them. As was demonstrated when this program started, there were those who claimed it was not going to be the final release, and those who claimed it was. As it turned out, those who believed it to be the final release were correct. The build that was given to the Preview for Developers participants was the same build that the manufacturers got from Microsoft. There is no guarantee that this will always be the case, as it is always possible to find a bug and issue a late release, but this definitely is not a beta program. The software being delivered is meant to be ready for prime time.
"Devices with 4" screen will support the third row of medium sized tiles. Confirmed by the Windows Phone team on Twitter."
Da, pise i na ovom zvanicnom blogu :) Moram da vidim kako ce to izgledati na velicini ekrana i rezoluciji od 520.. Inace, nisam siguran bas koliko mi se svidja ovo sto je sad pored sata vidljiva i baterija, wifi i prijem non stop.. verovatno zbog notifikacija.
Nije vidljivo non stop. Bas je Daniel Rubino u onom klipu sto sam okacio danas komentario to sto se procenat baterije vidis tek kad otvoris notofication centar. Ovako vidis samo bateriju.
Nije vidljivo non stop. Bas je Daniel Rubino u onom klipu sto sam okacio danas komentario to sto se procenat baterije vidis tek kad otvoris notofication centar. Ovako vidis samo bateriju.

Obrati paznju, ne mislim na procenat vec sad pored sata (koji je jedino vidljiv non stop trenutno) imas i wifi, jacinu signala i notifikacije.. Po meni je elegantnije kad se samo sat vidi a ostalo se skloni posle par sekundi.
Preziveces nekako te dodatne dve ikonice.
To su 'sitnice' koje vecina ne vidi, zato Touch Wiz ima prodju :) Na kraju nista nije bitno osim Antutua i 3gb rama, do sledeceg telefona za 6 meseci..
To vec ne znam, to ostavljam tebi da razglabas
Mrzi me sad da gledam ceo klip opet, da nije varijanta da u telefonu nema SIM kartice i da nije zakačen na wifi pa zato prikazuje ikonice? Jer i na WP8 ih u tom slučaju prikazuje...
Nema sim da.. Al ipak mislim da se nece sklanjati to sad, da bi non stop video notifikacije..
Mene vrv interesuje, da li su uopšte menjali našu tastaturu, sem onog "modernog" swipe tipkanja. :type:
I sve mi se čini, da će većina naprednih korisnika, od iduće nedelje da pređe na ovu temu i da će ona stara WP8 tema, polako da nam zamire sa postavljanjem svežih postova...:(
A koja je razlika izmedju lumie icon i lumie 930 ?
Kozmetička. To su u principu isti telefoni, sa različitim OS.
Da al kad icon dobije 8.1 biće identični zar ne ?
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