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DASH, ex Darkcoin [DRK] (X11)

Dobar Andreas Antonopoulos Q&A video. Dah chainlocks se pominje od 11:20 nadalje


We’ll soon be delisting ZEC and DASH coins from CEX.​IO. As of September 15, trading will no longer be available for these coins, so we encourage you to finish all trades and close all your positions in ZEC and DASH before that date. On September 15, all outstanding orders will automatically be cancelled and you won’t be able to place new orders.
You can store ZEC and DASH coins on CEX.​IO for free through December 31, 2019. Starting January 1, 2020, a storage fee will be applied to ZEC and DASH funds kept on CEX.​IO accounts.
Suvise im je mali promet na menjacnici pa izbacuju da im ne pravi trosak. Tako je i LTC prosao kod njih svojevremeno pa su ga vratili kad su se opametili.
Mislim da je ovde pre u pitanju izbacivanje privacy coin-a. Verovatno ih je pritisnuo neko oko regulativa

Sent from my S61 using Tapatalk
Nije iskljuceno mada sumnjam jer nije bilo nekih ozbiljnih pritisaka do sada a cex je poznat vec po tome da izbacuje low volume novcice.

Tapatalk from Poco loco
Dash (DASH) is now available on Coinbase


Starting today, Coinbase supports Dash (DASH) at Coinbase.com and in the Coinbase Android and iOS apps. Coinbase customers can now buy, sell, convert, send, receive, or store DASH. DASH will be available for customers in all Coinbase-supported regions, with the exception of New York State and the United Kingdom. Additional jurisdictions may be added at a later date.
Introducing the Platform Chain


As previously discussed in the Introduction to Dash Platform post, Dash Platform is a technology stack (a set of services) for developing decentralized applications.

Initially, we will provide:
Drive — document-oriented database for storing and querying metadata
Identities — unique identities for users, applications and other entities
Dash Platform Name Service — decentralized and enhanced DNS
DAPI — decentralized HTTP API to communicate with the platform

Dash Roadmap for the coming months.

Zasto ne radi sinhronizacija?
Skinuo sam ovaj zadnji 14.0.4, ima osam konekcija ali ni da mrdne, stoji na bloku 1088639. Probao sam one alate za popravku u samom novcaniku ali nista nije bolje.
Zasto ne radi sinhronizacija?
Skinuo sam ovaj zadnji 14.0.4, ima osam konekcija ali ni da mrdne, stoji na bloku 1088639. Probao sam one alate za popravku u samom novcaniku ali nista nije bolje.

Jesi li sveže instalirao i krenuo sinhronizaciju od nule ili je to neki wallet od ranije koji si sada update-ovao, pa pokušavaš da ga dosinhronizuješ?

Obično pomaže da se pokrene wallet sa -reindex switch-em.
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