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QubitCoin [Q2C]

Kakav je ovaj za kopanje?
CPU LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7-3770K, 3.50GHz BOX 22nm
Proizvođač : Intel
Model : i7-3770K 3.5GHz 8MB LGA1155
Serija : Intel Core i7
Podnožje : Socket 1155
Ostalo : Quad-core, 64-bit,
TDP : 77 W
Radni takt : 3.5 GHz
L2 keš : 4x256 KB
L3 keš : 8192 KB
Ostalo : Hyper-Threading
Kakav je ovaj za kopanje?
CPU LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7-3770K, 3.50GHz BOX 22nm
Proizvođač : Intel
Model : i7-3770K 3.5GHz 8MB LGA1155
Serija : Intel Core i7
Podnožje : Socket 1155
Ostalo : Quad-core, 64-bit,
TDP : 77 W
Radni takt : 3.5 GHz
L2 keš : 4x256 KB
L3 keš : 8192 KB
Ostalo : Hyper-Threading

Javljam posle 16h kako radi :)
Znaci vec se na vreme opremas. :)
Inace preporucio bih vam da kopate Xcoin i Chaincoin...teski su i jedan i drugi za kopanje,pogotovu ovaj drugi i generalno imace malo iskopanih coina. Ovaj Chaincoin sa VPS-om koji sam juce iznajmio sam iskopao oko 6 komada za 12h kopanja,brzina 1000kh/s.
Preporucio bih vam ovaj pool za Chaincoin:

16 coins per block
Reward halves every 700800 blocks (2 years)
Block time: 90 seconds
Total coins: About 23 million
Listen Port 11994
RPC Port 11995
* No premine
* CPU mining
* 11 hashing algorithms chained
* Bitcoin 0.8.99 base
* Transaction messages
Poslednja izmena:
Jel vam normalno kopa na mine-pool.net?
Meni miner-i radi ok, ali statistika na sajtu trenutno ne pokazuje.
TAko i kod mene ...
al taj sabija kako radi :D
Pool Efficiency 11.36%
Tako je juce bilo i s onim 2. pool-om pa je posle sve stiglo. Aj da se nadam da ce i s ovim biti tako. :)

Nego jel neko trgovao nesto?
Ja samo pravim....
Nakupio sam 9000 novcica za 24h sa jacinom od oko 450-500khs...zadovoljan sam za sada...sad jos da negde krene prodaja :)
a ti si dobar :)
ja imam oko 900

A5-5300 i A4-4000 fm2 daju isto, po 56kh/s
2600k na 4.6GHz po jezgru bez HT cepa 74khs . Probacu posle sa HT on pa javljam rezove ;)
AVX2 je chudo :D
i5 3570 baca 67khs po thread-u.
Athlon II x4 640 baca 45khs po thread-u.
Moji Inteli G1620 bacaju 41-43 kh/s po threadu, a i7 4770k na 4,8Ghz mi jako varija od thread 0 do thread 7, ali u proseku 106-110 kh/s.

i7 4960X nisam jos upalio ali tesko da moze vise od 100 po thread-u.
Kod mene G1620 daje 50khs po threadu a tvoji manje wtf
i5 4670 90-95kh/s
Jel trgovao neko na bitcointalk-u? Koja je procedura, da li je bezbedno?
kao i svuima prevaranata, problem je ko ce poslati prvi, nego gde ga cekate da izadje pa da se istovarate, na shitsu i da izadje ja ga necu prodavati tamo sigurno, jedino vircurex?
i5 4670k na 4,3Ghz 105-110 khs po jezgru.G1620 oko 45 po jezgru.
Evo objasnjenja o par informacija sa pocetka teme...
* Super secure hashing: 5 rounds of hashing functions (luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo)

Some information about hashing functions in qubit algorithm
1) Luffa
Luffa is a new family of hash functions submitted to NIST for their cryptographic hash algorithm competition.
Luffa is a variant of a sponge function proposed by Bertoni et al., whose security is based only on the randomness of the underlying permutation. Different from the original sponge, Luffa uses plural permutations in parallel and a stronger messsage injection function.
2) CubeHash
CubeHash is a cryptographic hash function submitted to the NIST hash function competition by Daniel J. Bernstein. CubaHash has a 128 byte state, uses wide pipe construction, and is ARX based. Message blocks are XORed into the initial bits of a 128-byte state, which then goes through an r-round bijective transformation between blocks. The initial NIST proposal ("Cubehash8/1") required about 200 cycles per byte. After clarifications from NIST, the author changed the proposal to Cubehash16/32, which "is approximately 16 times faster than CubeHash8/1, easily catching up to both SHA-256 and SHA-512 on the reference platform" while still maintaining a "comfortable security margin".
CubeHash advanced to the second round of the competition, but was not chosen as one of the 5 finalists.
3) SHAvite
SHAvite-3 is a secure and efficient hash function design by Eli Biham and Orr Dunkelman. SHAvite-3 is based on the HAIFA construction and the AES building blocks. SHAvite-3 uses a well understood set of primitives such as a Feistel block cipher which iterates a round function based on the AES round. SHAvite-3's compression functions are secure against cryptanalysis, while the selected mode of iteration offers maximal security against black box attacks on the hash function. SHAvite-3 is both fast and resource-efficient, making it suitable for a wide range of environments, ranging from 8-bit platforms to 64-bit platforms (and beyond).
SIMD is a cryptographic hash function based on the Merkle–Damgård construction submitted to the NIST hash function competition by Gaëtan Leurent. It is one of fourteen entries to be accepted into round two of the competition, but was not shortlisted for the third and final round.
The designer states that the "most important component of SIMD is its message expansion, which is designed to give a high minimal distance". The algorithm's speed is claimed to be 11-13 cycles per byte.
5) Echo
ECHO, a cryptographic hash function designed for the NIST SHA-3 competition, offers:
- a simple and clean design,
- a high and well-understood security margin,
- support of the Intel AES instructions set, and
- a fully flexible design to support different properties with the same primitive.
Kako uspevaš da ti grafike neometano rade dok CPU kopa? Meni su se grafike spustile na 60% učinka, od kako sam pustio da CPU da kopa. Takođe, dobijam oko 39-40 kH/s po jezgru, CPU iz potpisa.
Dodas na kraju .bat fajla "-t 3" samo bez navodnika to je ako imas procesor sa 4 jezgra da kopa sa 3 i da ti 1 bude slobodno za GPU i da se ne gube performanse.
Imama 2 rig-a sa po 4 270x.
Na prvom rig-u je phenom2 x6 i 8GB ddr3 i tu kopam LTC i qubit.
Drugi rig ima Core2Duo E5700 i 4GB ddr2 i kopa YAC i qubit.
Na ostalih par masina imam po jednu graficku i tu kopam isto LTC oi qubit i nigde se nije smanjila brzina kopanja LTC-a.
Prosek mi je izmedju 475-480khs po kartici.
Svugde kopam sa svim thread-ovima.
Kod mene G1620 daje 50khs po threadu a tvoji manje wtf

Miner 64bit koristim, ne preko novcanika i nisam u .bat-u upisivao nikakve komande sem one vezane za pool i username & pass. Sta ti koristis i jel imas neke specijalne komande?

Inace izgleda da mi se pusi 4770k, pa throtluje, temperature su mi ogromne! Morace to na 4,4 ~ 4,5Ghz. Bacio je 120 kh/s za thread 5 i onda 95 kh/s za thread 6. Velike varijacije...
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