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The Forest

Izasao je changelog

Version 0.02 Changelog (Saved games from 0.01 won’t work with this version)

New features and gameplay tweaks:


Simple raft now buildable via book (No Sail yet!)

Walls can now snap to form floors and roofs (experimental, can defy gravity)

New suprise item added to yacht

When being knocked out for first time you will now wake up in a random cave

Lowered fall damage amount

Birds can be killed with fire

Stamina recharge now takes longer

You can now block attacks with the red plane axe by holding down right mouse button

Timmy taken scene a little more dramatic, better lighting, sparks

Lowered intensity and range of fire light

Lowered health on turtle

Improved fish movement

Increased range of lighter
Enemies will drag downed friends out of danger again

Females will sometimes freak out at dying family members


Improved load times

Reduced stutter

Overall performance increases

Big memory optimizations, should help crashing on some pc’s

Improved cave wall memory usage

Dropped sticks and rocks are now pooled and shouldn’t increase memory over time

Optimized hud rendering (10% faster on cpu)


Improved lake water swim zones

Ocean swim zones now correctly rise and fall with tide

Underwater visuals improved

Improved terrain in some areas, reduced lumpiness in rocky area, fixed issues with caves poking through terrain

Fixed super deep ponds that could kill players by falling into them

Small old boat collision added

Plane exterior collision added

Improved balance on some grass textures (less bright)

Lowered top heavy pine tree to be easier to cut

Lots of small material/texture tweaks

Sunset/sunrise made brighter

Beach cave entrances made bigger and easier to enter

Improved world collision in some areas

Improved low resolution mountain textures

Improved terrain rendering and missing specular

Improved cave lighting and details (caves 4,5)


Fixed countdown timer not taking different time zones into account

Fixed some spelling mistakes in tutorials and in survival book

Fixed shelter on fire spawning infinite logs

Fixed bug where day count was 1 more than it should be

Fixed issue where sticks,rocks and logs needed could go to -1

Fixed not switching back to default weapon after holding lizard, rabbit or fish

fixed player not colliding with things tagged ‘Prop’

fixed light leaking into parts of some caves

Fixed bug where you couldn’t cook multiple times on same campfire

Fixed spear being able to cut down trees

Fixed ponds flickering at certain distances

Fixed some items not being saved in inventory when game is loaded (some might still vanish, expect more saving fixes/improvements soon)

Fixed log holder not saving logs on load/save

Fixed twinberries not having eat icon and having wrong leaf texture

Fixed bloody tables in cave not being cut out of nav mesh

Fixed lizard and rabbit skin triggers not being connected to ragdoll body

Removed extra set of teeth and eyes appearing behind Timmy

Chopping dead bodies no longer results in player flying into the air

Animals no longer spawn multiple copies if on fire

Cannibals shouldn’t run underwater or follow player out to the boat (they might run a little bit into water however)

Fixed some bushes missing vertex colors when cut

Fixed birds landing in sky, improved bird a.i. and performance
narodna verzija 0.02 je izasla pre 10 min.
narodna verzija 0.02 je izasla pre 10 min.
Jeste izasla...ima dosta popravljenih stvari,ali i dalje ima bugova. Prvo kad sam krenuo da loadujem igru,nije htelo,nego mora sve ponovo iz pocetka...ajde predjem preko toga. Odradim sve ponovo,sacuvam igru,napunim se svega i svacega,hrane,"oruzija" itd,sacuvam...sad da udjem u igru,loadujem,ono ponovo pokazuje da je "gladan",ceo inventory nestao,znaci i dalje postoji taj problem. Sramota, to su prvo trebali da rese,dotad nema svrhe igrati igru. I dalje postoji problem "eksplodirajucih" leseva koji te ubijaju,krastavac ja sam iskreno vise ocekivao sa ovim update-om ali izgleda da treba tu jos dosta da se radi.
To za eksplodirajuci les su napisali da je reseno medjutim eto i meni se dogodilo isto u 0.02. A isto tako i za inventar. U changelog stoji popravljeno za neke iteme koji su nestajali da sad ostaju, medjutim nestane skoro sve. :)
Sve u svemu, meni je i dalje fun da se zezam malo ali funkcije jos nema.
Jeste izasla...ima dosta popravljenih stvari,ali i dalje ima bugova. Prvo kad sam krenuo da loadujem igru,nije htelo,nego mora sve ponovo iz pocetka...ajde predjem preko toga. Odradim sve ponovo,sacuvam igru,napunim se svega i svacega,hrane,"oruzija" itd,sacuvam...sad da udjem u igru,loadujem,ono ponovo pokazuje da je "gladan",ceo inventory nestao,znaci i dalje postoji taj problem. Sramota, to su prvo trebali da rese,dotad nema svrhe igrati igru. I dalje postoji problem "eksplodirajucih" leseva koji te ubijaju,krastavac ja sam iskreno vise ocekivao sa ovim update-om ali izgleda da treba tu jos dosta da se radi.

Early access nije namenjen piratima vec ljudima koji bi da malo probaju kostur igre pre nego sto je zavrse. Ne znam sto skidate ovo sa "narodnih" sajtova kada igra nije gotova.
Early access nije namenjen piratima vec ljudima koji bi da malo probaju kostur igre pre nego sto je zavrse. Ne znam sto skidate ovo sa "narodnih" sajtova kada igra nije gotova.
Ja sam igru pazario jos pre 10 dana preko steam-a...nisam skidao sa "narodnih" sajteva.
Onda znas za sta si dao pare. Nece ova igra biti gotova jos minimum 6 meseci. Tada mozda izadju iz bete. Pogledaj samo koliko sporo tece razvoj Rust, DayZ i Starbound.
Onda znas za sta si dao pare. Nece ova igra biti gotova jos minimum 6 meseci. Tada mozda izadju iz bete. Pogledaj samo koliko sporo tece razvoj Rust, DayZ i Starbound.
Znam,samo kazem da nisu ispali korektni iz razloga sto su naveli da su resili odredjene stvari,a nisu ih resili. Zna se nasta su se ljudi najvise zalili kao npr nestajanje stvari iz inventara. To je trebao da im bude prioritet,no dobro videcemo sta ce biti.
+1. Od prvog trejlera sam iscekivao igru al mi ne pada na pamet da se zahebavam dok ne izadje puna igra.
The Forest v0.04 dosta toga dodato i zakrpljeno.
Ubacen i pedometar, koji sem merenja koraka ima jos funkcija.
Vec izgleda dosta bolje.
igra sve vreme, što se mene tiče, izgleda odlično, nego je mehanika malo polupana :)
Meni smeta sto i nije neki survival, kako sam ja ocekivao. Relativno lako se prezivljava. Trebali su da pogledaju kako prezivljavanje izgleda u The Long Dark.
nije ni rust neki survival, pa mi je najbolja igra u poslednjih desetak godina :)

Izasla je narodna 0.13

0.13 Changelog –

Armsy combat improvements – can now turn around quickly, attack to left and right and attack from further away. Will swipe at trees more often. Will react to explosions by staggering backwards.
Armsy will knock down walls and other structures near player, and will now interact better with dynamic logs/props pushing them away
Lowered throw force on bomb timed and added friction to rigidbody to reduce hockey puck feel
Added distance based camera shake when bombs explode!
Improved look of wood plank barriers – better textures, better break apart chunks
Wooden planks now have a health value and will take longer to be broken down by a stick versus an axe
(multiplayer)Added two new player character model variations
(optimization) Improved Experimental Foundations & Walls memory footprint
(building) Removed Manual Foundations 4 edges limit, improved visual feedback
(building) Added closure snapping to manual foundations
Improved log sled pushing – less jitter and glitches when pushing sled close to other objects
Changed gazebo floor collider so items can be built on top of it.
Player can no longer jump while pushing the sled
Lowered damage from un-upgraded rock weapon
Added extra checks to stop player falling through world when climbing ropes
Lowered damage amount molotovs do to Armsy. Setting Armsy on fire will cause him to become enraged, running around or attacking the player
New dying sound distortion added when player is in grey-zone state
(audio)rope climbing sound effects added
(audio)Falling Leaves sound effects added and tuned
(audio)Fixed bug where bush rustle sound effect would sometimes not play if player was running full speed and at an angle
Fixed a rare bug that caused the game to get stuck halfway in the loading process
Fixed trees initializing after black screen removal when loading a saved game
Slightly larger hit colliders on birds and stick weapon, makes it easier to kill grounded birds with a stick
Enemy bodies no longer explode when you hit the body after killing them! You can now chop off individual limbs!
Tree houses now require rope to build

Cave 2 crayon map drawing with shiny sticker stars on it added as a collectible item. (hint: try and find locations of stars)
(audio) Music sting added when player is woken up by enemies
(audio) New music sting added when an important item or location is discovered
(audio)First pass at Skinny enemy audio added
Fixed log wall breaking apart rotated incorrectly
Cave 1- major design re-work. More interesting areas, easier to navigate, more secret areas and items, improved collision.
Player is no longer able to pick up logs while jumping, swimming, sailing raft or pushing sled
Equipped logs are now dropped when beginning to swim, sail a raft or push a sled
Standard enemies can now attack built player walls
(hopefully) Fixed bug where enemies would sometime appear in t-pose in multiplayer games
Improved cave 2 entrance visuals
Random hint texts added to dead screen!
Removed starfish from caves and other strange places. Will now only appear on beach.
(multiplayer) New voice chat system! Using microphones/walkie talkies will no longer cause memory allocation and framerate stutters as memory is attempted to be cleaned out.
(multiplayer)Performance improvements!
(multiplayer)Fixed delay where log would remain visible for a short period of time even after being picked up by clients
(multiplayer)Fixed delay between tree falling and breaking into logs for clients
(multiplayer)Craft audio now plays for each player, you should no longer hear other players craft sfx play from far away
(multiplayer) fix a bunch more 2d sounds that could be heard by both players at wrong time
(multiplayer)Major lag improvements for enemies! Enemies will now visually update more often when close to a player
(multiplayer)Fixed fires not replicating
(multiplayer)All enemy types now show up in multiplayer games (distorted, pale creatures etc)
Fixed missing collision on orange tents
Fixed issues where after climbing rope, it would slightly reposition player making it very easy to fall back into hole or off ledge
New buildable item: Weapon Rack! Store up to 4 non projectile equipment items
New buildable item: Snack holder
New buildable item: Explosives/molotov holder
New buildable item: Medicine cabinet
Fixed flare gun not setting enemies on fire
Getting hit while blocking now drains more stamina
Block will fail now when hit if you have very low stamina
Birds are no longer active while inside a cave
Optimized all animal animators to save cpu performance
(single player only)New buildable item: Climbing Rope (needs to be hooked to a single Structure Anchor, a minimum distance with floor is required)
Added Structure Anchors to: Gazebo (2), Log Cabin (2), Platform (2), Extensible Platform (4), StairCase (2) and Wall (2) [retro-active] (you can now attach bridges or rope to these items) (Single player only)
New cheat code added: ‘vegetarianmode’ enemies only come out at night.
New cheat code added: ‘meatmode’ cancels the other cheats
Active cheats now saved locally (Hint: Type meatmode on title screen to cancel active cheats)
(single player only)New buildable item: (experimental)Procedural Floor (snap on top of foundations, or to procedural walls that are on foundation + floors)
Can now rotate tree structures while placing them !
Improved building placement near structures that can be built upon
Probao, obecava, ima novih detalja, dobro je optimizovana vrlo stabilan fps...
Dosta grafickih podesavanja.
Jel pegla neko ovo ? Da li vredi da se uzima preko Steam-a ili da se ceka jos ?
meni je lično bio maksimalno dosadan, ali ja ionako imam specifičan ukus...
Imam ga ja odavno,ali prosto me nesto i ne privlaci.Neki dan sam ga ponovo instalirao,ali nisam sastavio mozda dva sata igranja!Nesto mi tu fali,ali ne znam sta!Ovo vazi i za Rust i ARK: Survival Evolved!Sve mi je to na isti kalup!
Od svih tih survival igara,jedino mi je Dont Starve prava stvar!Uzeo neki dan Shipwrecked DLC za 5 eura,ali mi pruza vise zabave nego sve ove zajedno!
Poslednja izmena:
Ja igram sa ortakom coop i super nam to, igramo po malo, čekamo da završe.
The Šumu nisam probao, pa me zanima da li igra ima kraj, tj da li može da se predje?

nije ni rust neki survival, pa mi je najbolja igra u poslednjih desetak godina :)

Molim te objasni kako je to moguće?
Ja sam ušao u Rust, trčao, trčao i tako trčao još 10 minuta, naleteo na nekog golaća da spava na njivi, i trčao trčao i našao neku kućicu u koju sam ušao preko "krova" i nisam mogao da izadjem iz nje. Mega dosadno, užas. Ne razumem koja je poenta igrati ovo kad nema nikakvog smisla ni poetne ni kraja?!

.....Ovo vazi i za Rust i ARK: Survival Evolved!Sve mi je to na isti kalup!
Od svih tih survival igara,jedino mi je Dont Starve prava stvar...
Igra koje nemaju kraj (a imaju gameplay od 999h) su mi užasno dosadne i naporne, želim da se zabavim , igram i predjem, a ne da imam stalnu obavezu da je igram, ko da mi je posao ili neka kazna.
takve igre nisu ni zamisljene kao klasican singleplayer,igra sa ekipom je gde ovi naslovi sijaju i rade kako su zamisljeni,singleplayer je tu da se upoznas sa mehanikom,svetom,ajtemima,mogucnostima itd da ne bi gubio vreme i neko te cekao kad krenes sa ostalim ljudima.forest je prezabavan za drustvom i voicechatom.
@umart, jel kazes da je sad vreme za kupovinu ili da se jos saceka, da se ispegla do kraja ?
Valjda ce nekakva bozicna rasprodaja na Steamu uskoro, ne?
Vrh Dno