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Torment: Tides of Numenera



Sada je vec opstepoznato da Brian Fargo i ekipa iz InXile-a planiraju spiritualni nastavak Planescape Tormenta, ciji kickstarter treba uskoro da pocne. Za sada se malo sta zna o igri, osim informacije da ce najverovatnije koristiti engine iz Wasteland dvojke. Vec sam postovao intervju sa Colin McCombom, koji radi kao lead designer na projektu:


...a sada je i RPGcodex objavio kratak intervju sa Brian Fargom, Colin McCombom and Kevin Saundersom, koji se uglavnom bavi pitanjima engina, storytellinga i settinga:

Technically, what are your plans about the game engine ? Will you use an isometric 3D overall view like the first game or what looks like to be in Wasteland 2 ?

Unity has worked out very well for us on Wasteland 2 and we will use it for Torment, leveraging both our experience and some of our work. We are still exploring our approach for the environments and view for Torment. Aaron Meyers, who was an artist on Planescape: Torment and many years of experience as an art lead is helping us to develop the look.

What are your plans for the game focus ? More open world ? More dialogues oriented ? Story driven like Planescape ? Linear or multiple way to complete the game ? Open-ended game world ? Can you elaborate a bit ?

Torment will be a story-driven game like Planescape: Torment was. There will be multiple possible conclusions, optional areas and quests, and an emphasis on reactivity to player decisions, but it won’t be an open world.

Any words you like to add about Torment ?

Some have been curious about the title. The “Tides” are part of a choices and consequences system that Colin, Kevin, and particularly Adam Heine have been designing for Torment. Adam was a scripter on PS:T and we were fortunate to bring him aboard the team, too. Kevin has said this about the Tides: “They could be loosely compared to D&D’s alignments or Ultima IV’s principles and virtues. But unlike alignments, they are not in direct opposition to each other and unlike the virtues, you won’t necessarily want to achieve them all. Nor can you, really… you’ll have to decide what’s most important to you.

The Tides are more nuanced and complex, with the “best” choice for any situation being a personal decision for you (or how you want to play) rather than a decision that we as designers judge. Now, NPCs in the game will certainly judge you based upon their own beliefs and agendas, but we will strive for the game itself to be impartial. We want to provide satisfying reactivity and allow you to explore your own answers, for you to play as you wish and have the game’s story unfold accordingly. We’ll talk more about the Tides down the road and there are aspects of the system for which we’ll be seeking backer input.

The Tides are a good example of a way in which we are deviating from PS:T while being true to its legacy and also how we are injecting the Torment philosophy, as you mentioned, into the Numenera setting.
mislim da im je rano im je za novi kickstarter

treba da bude neceg jos opipljivijeg o wasteland 2 da bi narod imao dobru povratnu informaciju gde su pare otisle

zapravo bih se dobro zapitao dal da im dajem pare toliko unapred kada nisu zavrsili ni prvi projekat
900k tražili, premašili cifru za šest sati :)
Sad videh, neverovatno.
Ovo samo govori koliko su ljudi željni dobrog RPG naslova. A nije ga bilo ne pamtim.
1.2 mil :D fargo zna da radi posao nema sta :)
Bacaju ljudi pare ka njemu. Ja sam skeptican jer mi se uopste ne dopada kako izgleda interfejs u WL2 (meni je bitno kako izgleda). Ni za samu igru nisam siguran da ce biti kako treba kada je zavrsi. Vise bi voleo da je ovo uzeo Obsidian da radi kada zavrsi PE. Ovako je bas usiljeno, dva epska RPGa za 4 godine ili koliko ce vec Fargo-u trebati. Nije to prava stvar, ako mene pitate.
Ni meni se interfejs ne svidja, djeluje pomalo amaterski, nadam se da je to samo neka alfa verzija...
Meni, naprotiv, W2 deluje bas kao pun pogodak. Mislim da ce da bude igra koju cekam jos od F2. Zato mi drago sto ce oni da rade i Torment. Generalno, Fargo je covek koji je (uz Double Fine) najvise zasluzan za ovu mini poplavu nastavaka kultnih RPG igara. Da nije odradio onu kampanju sa W2, verovatno ni Obsidian ne bi krenuo u svoj projekat.
Interfest za WL2 je stvarno jadan ali:
1) teska alfa
2) najavili su da ce UI biti potpuno modabilan, tako da mozda ni ne zele da se trude jer ce do launcha biti goimla fan modova koji ce izgledati 10x bolje.
ne znam sta vam smeta u UI-u u W2? Po meni je OK, sve je na ekranu, lako dostupno i pregledno... Mozda jedino malo vece fontove da ubace, ili novi prozor kad ima puno da se cita.
Poslednja izmena:
o cemu vi pricate :) ui za w2 koji je sklepan samo prezentacije radi, koji je totalno prilagodljiv vasim zeljama, (pozicija i velicina)... od svih stvari vi komentarisete samo UI koji jeste neubedljiv al daleko od toga da je katastrofalan (pogotovo sto ce svakako saslusati sve predloge i implementirati ih do izlaska igre)

u ostalom fargo je objasnio, da mu je deo ekipe koji je radio dizajn slobodan tako da oni mogu da rade na novom tormentu (plus novi ljudi) dok drugi deo ekipe zavrsava w2

2 rpg-a u 4 godine meni se ne cini mnogo, kada ga rade veterani, ljudi koji znaju posao i zeljni su da ga rade
1.7 miliona! :D

Naravno, posle ovakvog razvaljivanja inicijalnog cilja od $900k, ekipa iz InXile je uvela Stretch Goals + poklone za sve one koji budu donirali vecu sumu novca. Prvi cilj (1.5 miliona) je vec probijen. :D

$1.5 Million: Richer Story - Writer Mur Lafferty and Designer Tony Evans join the Writing Team, plus a Bonus Novella

Upon reaching $1.5M, we will expand the richness and reactivity of the story through adding two new writers to our team. We have designed the game’s storyline to be highly scalable and modular, and this allows us to bring in additional writing talent to enhance Torment’s story through deeper content and new areas and characters – both optional ones and on the critical path.

At $1.5 Million, two excellent writers, Tony Evans and Mur Lafferty will be contributing to the game. In case you aren’t yet familiar with their past work, here’s a little information on each:

Tony has been a game writer and designer since the late 1990s and has worked on more role-playing games than any sane designer should, with time served at both Obsidian and Bioware. Tony worked on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, and Mask of the Betrayer (he designed the Skein and wrote One of Many, among other things). Tony was also the lead designer on Storm of Zehir.

Mur is an author from Durham, NC. She’s written for several role-playing games including Vampire, Mage, Exalted, and World of Warcraft the RPG. She started podcasting in 2004 with her show Geek Fu Action Grip, and in 2005 began producing the award-winning podcast I Should Be Writing. She's published several audiobooks via podcast, and her debut novel, The Shambling Guide to New York City, is coming out in May. She was a 2012 nominee for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in Science Fiction or Fantasy.

Additionally, Torment (and Wasteland 2) writer Nathan Long will be writing a novella for Torment. Nathan’s novella will be included in the Novella Compilation, and all backers receiving that reward will automatically receive this fourth novella, too.

We haven’t talked much about Nathan in the past and it’s high time to correct that. Nathan has been a superstar on the Wasteland 2 team and we are honored to have him as part of our team. Nathan is a screen and prose writer, with two movies, one Saturday-morning adventure series, and a handful of live-action and animated TV episodes to his name, as well as eleven fantasy novels and several award-winning short stories. He hails from Pennsylvania, where he grew up, went to school, and played in various punk and rock-a-billy bands, before following his dreams to Hollywood - where he now writes full time - and still occasionally plays in bands. His latest novel is Swords of Waar, the sequel to 2012's Jane Carver of Waar, and he realized his life-long dream when he began working as a game writer for inXile Entertainment.

Drugi ce biti koliko sutra...

$2.0 Million: Monte Writes, Mark Composes, and Goo Oozes

We will continue to increase Torment’s story depth and reactivity as Monte Cook also joins our writing team, contributing directly to in-game content. Monte is focused on Numenera, but we’ve been working directly with him already, seeking his guidance on how to best explore Numenera’s Ninth World. Later in the project, we will also be collaborating with Monte on the adaptation of Numenera’s tabletop rules to best suit a computer role-playing game. But at this Stretch Goal, Monte will become even more involved in Torment team and will add his writing talents as well. (Fortunately, Torment’s schedule allows for his creative work to begin later so that it won’t interfere with Numenera.)

At this Stretch Goal, Mark Morgan will write more music for Torment to complement the additional game areas and content we will be adding. Furthermore, he will incorporate a live orchestra into his work. Of course, all of this new music will be automatically including in the soundtrack (digital or CD) for backers who are receiving that reward. We will also provide the soundtrack reward in the lossless FLAC format for those who desire it.

Our initial plans for Torment included four possible companions for the player and at this Stretch Goal, we will be adding a fifth, which we’ve nicknamed “The Toy.” (That’s not its in-game name. ;) ) The Toy is a changing ball of goo: Is it a pet, an abandoned toy, a dangerous weapon? Whatever it is, it responds to the way you treat it by changing its appearance and abilities to reflect what it perceives as your desires. Its ultimate secrets are... well, you'll have to find out.

Takodje su najavili i uvodjenje pay pal opcije za donacije, sto nama u Srbiji zesce znaci, ali ce svakako olaksati priliv novca od strane fanova iz normalnih drzava.

Zestoko sam izhajpovan ovako neocekivanim razvojem situacije. Mislim da niko ni u ludilu nije ocekivao ovako brz dohodak i podrsku fanova, sto samo pokazuje, kako je Alex lepo primetio, koliko su ljudi gladni dobrog RPG-a. :)
Wow. Ko se nadao da ce uspet za manje od 7 sati?

Nije bilo sumnje da ce uspest founding...a ko je ocekivao za 7 sati?

Anyway...ostaje jos 29 dana...
Update 3

Novi stretch goal - 2.5 miliona. :D



Also, as a surprise addition to all (including our dear colleague Colin who is learning about this commitment right now as you are) after the Kickstarter ends, Colin’s going to be doing a play through of Planescape: Torment for you all, providing his developer commentary as he goes. Which areas and characters did he write? And what was he thinking when he wrote them? How fast of a reader is he? Does he have anything good to say about the combat? What is his answer to the question: “What can change the nature of a man?” Learn all of this and more!
Update 4

Donacije stigle do 2.4 miliona. :)

InXile je, naravno, update-ovao kickstarter stranicu sa novim Stretch Goals, medju kojima se pominju dodatni kultovi, frakcije i kompanjoni. Takodje su dodali seriju wallpapera na oficijalnom sajtu:


...a i dali nam preview kako ce otprilike zvucati muzika u novom Tormentu:


As we approach our $2.5M Stretch Goal, it’s time to explore what’s next. We're looking into how we might approach having some smaller, more frequent Stretch Goals, but in the meantime, we wanted to share our broader plans for if we reach $3M.

More Legacies, Deeper and Richer Reactivity

We’ve told you a little about the Tides and Legacies already – they are a key component of three of our four pillars, and at $3M we’ll be expanding their impact, especially with respect to our fourth pillar: “Reactivity, Choice, and Real Consequences.” In the upcoming days and weeks, we’ll be elaborating more on the design of the Tides and the Legacy System, but for now I’d like to explain a bit more about how these two concepts relate to each other.

Given that Legacy is the primary theme of Torment, you can imagine that its effects will run deep. Your Legacy depends upon which of the five Tides you favor – as demonstrated through your actions and decisions within the game. At our target funding, we envisioned six Legacies: one for each Tide, and then a sixth for those who have no dominant Tide. Your Legacy (and the Tides) has a variety of impacts on both gameplay and on interactions in dialogue. For example, certain items will provide different abilities depending upon your Legacy, and your Legacy also affects what focus you master. Your Legacy might draw others to you, or make them wary of you. As your actions affect the Tides, you can choose to adopt a new Legacy and embrace your decisions or you can resist their pull – for a while, at least. Some NPCs and creatures will notice and react to the Tidal impact on your Legacy, with some reacting favorably and others... not so much.
Na 2.5 miliona timu se pridruzio George Ziets koji vec radi na Project Eternity (sto govori o tesnoj vezi Obsidian-a i Inxile Ent.)

Na 2.75 (sto ce dostici za koji dan) miliona timu pisaca ce se pridruziti i Brian Mitsoda. Bar ce jedan aspekt igre biti bez premca a to je prica i kvestovi. Valjda ce i ostalo biti na pribliznom nivou.
Ovako u teoriji se cini dosta zanimljivom igrom, doduse, koncepti koje zele da primene na konacan proizvod su prilicno temeljni i sigurno zahtevaju detaljnu i dugotrajnu razradu, kako bi finalna verzija bila zadovoljavajuca. Vecina ciljanog auditorijuma je vec upoznata sa tormentom i ranijim projektima, i zasigurno podrzava razvoj ovakve ideje u delo, sto se i iskazuje u kolicini donacija koju su do sad dobili, ali je verovatno i opste prisutna cinjenica da dosta ljudi zeljno iscekuje izlazak jednog solidnog RPG-a. Zasad su na dobrom putu, samo je pitanje delotvornosti developera da pretvore te koncepte u praksu, da odrze pocetne tvrdnje i obecanja, sacuvaju integritet, radi sebe i svojih vernih igraca i fanova. Tu su naravno i ostali, podjednako neophodni elementi, poput grafike, igrivosti, diverziteta odluka, i slicno.

Ne bih mogao da precizno odredim da li je opseg sredstava sa kojima trenutno raspolazu dovoljan za ovakav projekat, ali se bar nadam da ce ih efikasno upotrebiti pri izradi igre, za koju sam i licno zainteresovan. Torment sam prelazio u vise navrata, da ne pominjem Baldur's gate, Icewind Dale i Fallout :)
Poslednja izmena:
Stvarno je lepo videti ovakav uspeh kickstarter igara. Cini mi se da ce Torment premasiti i Wasteland po sakupljenom novcu.
Preslo se 3.2 miliona. :)

Ovog puta, Nathan Long nam prica o dungeonima, saradnji sa Obsidianom i grafici koja nas ocekuje u novom Tormentu.


I’ve advertised that we’d say more about graphics this week. The most popular Stretch Goal request from you, our backers, is for 2D pre-rendered graphics, which would mean that Torment would have a fixed, isometric camera with 2D backgrounds. A primary disadvantage is that this approach requires a longer, and therefore more expensive, pipeline for art assets, but its advantages are numerous:

- The same basic feel as classic RPGs (such as the Baldur’s Gate series and Planescape™: Torment) in terms of camera and environments
- Environments will have a more “painterly” look, allowing us to more closely represent our concept pieces
- By designing the art for a fixed camera view, every scene will look its best
- System requirements will be lower
- Because we are using a 3D engine, characters, effects, and some environmental props would still be modeled in 3D. This allows them to be changed dynamically during play (a 3D box could be opened, for example) and enables us to still adapt our Wasteland 2 pipeline and underlying systems (such as for character animation).

A famous recent example of this approach in practice is the screenshot released by Obsidian for Project Eternity last fall. We agree that it would be the best style to realize our vision for Torment and have been investigating its feasibility throughout this Kickstarter campaign.

We’ve been carefully evaluating the costs and trade-offs, and it looks like a 2D pre-rendered graphics approach may be possible. Being able to achieve this quality bar is only an option because of your great support – we are thrilled at the possibility that Torment could be as strong in its aesthetics as it will be in its storytelling and choices and consequences.
Prvi skrin:



  • y6svx0S.jpg
    397.3 KB · Pregleda: 127
Nije koncept art vec renderovano u Unity endzinu koriscenjem posebne tehnike koja blenduje 2D okruzenja u 3D endzin. Slicnu tehnologiju koristi i Obsidian za Project Eternity. Zapravo, postoji dogovor izmedju njih da dele alate, tako da treba ocekivati slican izgled PE i Tormenta. U sustini, dobar deo obe igre ce verovatno kreirati zajedno inXile i Obsidian. Jednom recju, Black Isle :)

Moje misljenje je da ukoliko saradnja bude uspesna i obe igre budu postigle pristojan komercijalan uspeh, verovatno cemo videti spajanje inXile i Obsidiana u jedan studio.
Poslednja izmena:
Nisam siguran koliko je spajanje te dve kompanije verovatno posto bi onda Obisidian verovatno izgubio pravo na sledeci Fallout od Bethesde. Iako je realno sve to tuzno da originalni autori nemaju pristup svom nekadasnjem IPu, prokleti kapitalizam.
Odlicna vest. Inace na slici je teritorija Bloom. To je mesto koje inIxile opisuje kao polu-svesno zivo bice ciji putevi kriju strahote i cudesne dogadjaje. To je "hub", centar trgovine za one koji trguju relikvijama drugih svetova i odatle vode razni putevi u druge svetove.
Najsss... aprilili... :D
Poslednja izmena:

Ovo mi se mnogo vise dopada od Wastelanda, kako je graficki odradjeno. Animacija 3D karaktera je predivna, fluidna a verujem da ce se i lepo uklopiti sa pozadinama. Cenim da je ovo Obisidianova tehnologija, posto su u jednom apdejtu pricali o animacijama. U svakom slucaju nikakve veze nema sa Wastelandom. Steta sto i Wasteland nije 2D.

Jos da Jon Van Caneghem kickstarteruje neki novi Heroes i ja cu biti presrecan.
Vrh Dno