Šta je novo?

Racunar se ne vidi u "My Network Places"


Dakle ovako :)

Jedan od 30 racunara u mrezi se ne vidi u folderu "My Network Places". Kada ukucam njegovo ime u adress baru MyComputer-a "\\Computer1" normalno ga vidim kao sve shareovane foldere na njemu.

Posle izbacivanja iz domena i vracanja u domen racunar se vidi u "My Netvork places" par sati i opet misteriozno nestane. Sa tog racunara vidim sve ostale normalno i normalno im pristupam.

Mrezu kontrolise Windows server 2008 standard. Instaliran je AD i svi ostali racunari rade normalno.
Da nije mozda iskljuceno file and printer sharing u podesavanju za mrezni adapter?!
Nije. Ja sa tog racunara vidim sve ostale i ostali vide njega kad u adress baru ukucam njegovu adresu, ali se ne vidi u "My Metwork Places".
MS firewall?
Sto se oko toga mucis, poznato je da browser servis ne radi pouzdano
Firewall odavno iskljucen... :(

Ne mogu da verujem da 30 racunara radi normalno, a da samo taj 1 pravi glup problem. :wall: :crash:
Pa ubaci neku pci mreznu za 300din pa probaj da li ce sa njom da sljaka?!
Promenio sam kabl, mada je to nebuloza, naravno nije dalo rezultata. Zasto sad da menjam i mreznu? :shock:
Cackao sam malo po netu i pronasao da je neophodno, da bi se racunar video na mrezi kako treba, da budu ispunjeni sledeci uslovi:

Aktivni servisi:

  1. Workstation
  2. Dhcp client
  3. server
  4. TCP/IP net bios helper
  5. Computer browser
  6. Remote procedure call (RPC)
  7. DNS client
  8. Network connection

Da treba da bude aktiviran "net user guest", moze se proveriti ukucavanjem komande u CMD-u "net user guest". Ako je poruka "Acount active yes" onda je OK.

Da je enableovan Net bios, ciji se status takodje moze proveriti u CMD-u komandom "nbtstat -n".

Naravno da trebaju biti pravilno podeseni TCP/IP parametri (IP adresa, subnet mask, default gateway i DNS).

Sve od gore navedenog na problematicnom racunaru je OK. Jel imate jos neku ideju? :S:
Idi u mmc uradi uninstall mrezne kartice, restartuj i pusti ga da sam zavrsi instalaciju, ili ako je potrebno instaliraj rucno mreznu karticu, i podesi IP. Otvori My Computer i klikni par puta na My Network Places.
Javi jeli uspelo!
Idi u mmc uradi uninstall mrezne kartice, restartuj i pusti ga da sam zavrsi instalaciju, ili ako je potrebno instaliraj rucno mreznu karticu, i podesi IP. Otvori My Computer i klikni par puta na My Network Places.
Javi jeli uspelo!

Ne znam kako da iz MMC-a uninstaliram mreznu kartu. Jesi li mozda mislio da na device manager?

Reset TCP/IP stack-a pa ponova konfiguracija mreže?


Pri promeni Computer Name-a racunar se vidi par sata u mrezi. Sad sam prvi put probao netsh fix i racunar se vidi u mrezi. Videcemo sta ce biti kroz par sati ili dana. :banana:

HVALA na savetima. :Klanjanje
...opet se ne vidi... :wall::wall::wall:
da. u device manager-u uradi uninstall.
Jesi vec probao pa se ne vidi?
probaj i u advanced na TCP/IP podesavanja, u tabu WINS da stavis Enable LMHOSTS lookup i proveri da li je obelezeno Enable NetBIOS over TCP
Ista stvar se desava i kod mene, samo u workgroup okruzenju. Jos uvek nisam nasao resenje, sve sam uradio kao i ti, ali i dalje pojedini racunari su vidljivi 2-3 sata pa onda nestanu.
Jedino sto sam provalio jeste da computer browsing servis brlja. Kad ga iskljucim i ukljucim onda su ti racunari vidljivi ali samo odredjeno vreme.
Uninstalirao sam mrezne kartice pa ponovo instalirao,ukljucivao enable netbios over TCP, odstiklirao u mreznoj karti da je ne iskljucuje zbog ustede energije, skinuo neki fix sa microsoft sajta ali i dalje postoji problem.

Posle uninstall/install iz device manager-a racunar se video u mrezi skoro ceo sat. :d
LMHOSTS lookup i NetBIOS over TCP/IP su enableovani odavno.
probaj sa racunara koji ne pravi problem sledece
nbtstat -a [IP racunara koji pravi problem] (nbstat -a
da li prikazuje netbios ime tog racunara?
Proveri da li imas decription u imenu racunara (skini ga ako ima)
Sta je bilo na kraju, jesi uspeo da resis problem?
NetBios pokazuje ime racunara. Jos uvek nisam uspeo da resim problem. Ne znam kako. :(
Uradi copy/paste rezultata netbios -a komande
Ne znam kako da uradim copy/paste u cmd-u...


  • Nbtstat copy.jpg
    Nbtstat copy.jpg
    87.3 KB · Pregleda: 146
Ova podesavanje Windowsa nemaju veze sa mrezom. Tako da tesko sumnjam da se problem pojavio zbog njih. :wave:
copy paste u cmd-u:
idi desni klik na cmd > mark , drzi levo dugme i obelezi sta ti treba, klikni desni klik na obelezeni deo, paste.
Uradi i sledece
nbtstat -r na masini koja se vidi u mrezi (uradi copy paste rezultata)
nbtstat -RR na masini koja se ne vidi u mrezi
nbtstat -r na masini koja se vidi u mrezi (uradi copy paste rezultata)
Poslednja izmena:
Trenutno bez obzira na switch koji upotrebim u NBTSTAT komandi dobijam poruku:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Racunar>nbtstat -a
Failed to access NetBT driver -- NetBT may not be loaded"

Poslednja izmena:
...da to je poruka koja se dobija kad prokusate da izvrsite komandu nbtstat a nemate administratorska prava... :)

A sa admiinstratorskim pravima je situacija sledeca:

Na racunaru koji se ne vidi u mrezi:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>nbtstat -rr

NetBIOS Names Resolution and Registration Statistics

Resolved By Broadcast = 3
Resolved By Name Server = 0

Registered By Broadcast = 4
Registered By Name Server = 0

NetBIOS Names Resolved By Broadcast
Racunar2 <00>

C:\WINDOWS\system32>nbtstat -r

NetBIOS Names Resolution and Registration Statistics

Resolved By Broadcast = 3
Resolved By Name Server = 0

Registered By Broadcast = 4
Registered By Name Server = 0

NetBIOS Names Resolved By Broadcast
Racunar2 <00>

A na racunaru koji se normalno vidi u mrezi:

C:\Documents and Settings\SServer>nbtstat -r

NetBIOS Names Resolution and Registration Statistics

Resolved By Broadcast = 3196
Resolved By Name Server = 0

Registered By Broadcast = 7
Registered By Name Server = 0

NetBIOS Names Resolved By Broadcast
Poslednja izmena:
Ovo sam iskopao na netu, možda bude korisno:

Below is my "cookbook recipe" for diagnosing missing computer in the browse
list problem, generally sorted by the most likely to least likely cause of
the problem and by the easiest to most difficult to check, although none are
really that difficult at all. Let us know which step resolves the problem!

Browsing is a legacy NT function which has nothing to do with Active
Directory or DNS. It is based on NetBIOS and usually WINS. That being
said, in a single subnet WINS is not required as the browse list (as seen
under My Network Places) can be updated through NetBIOS resolution
broadcasts on the LAN. Follow all the steps below to determine why a
computer is not showing up in My Network Places.

1) NetBIOS over TCP/IP must be enabled if you want a computer to show up in
My Network Places. If NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled but the computer still
cannot be seen, go to step #2.
2) File & Print Sharing must be enabled
3) No host-based firewall blocking the NetBIOS ports 137, 138 & 139
4) Open a command prompt and run the following command on the problem

Net config server

If the output of 'Server hidden' displays 'Yes' that's the problem. If
value is 'No" go to step #5.
5) The machine description cannot be more than 48 characters or else the it
will not appear in Network Places.
Computer Name Missing in the Browsing List When Server Comment More Than 48
6) Verify that the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service is running
7) On the problem machine, go into Network Connections > LAN Connection >
Properties > General Tab. Deselect the checkbox for File and Printer
Sharing for Microsoft Networks > click OK > Check the box to enable it again
> click OK.
8) Restart the Computer Browser service on the Domain Master Browser (The
PDC of an NT 4 domain or the PDC Emulator of a Windows 2000+ domain).
Although this may not be necessary it can't hurt.
9) A Master Browser (1D name in WINS) may have been recently turned off or
re-started. If no machine on the subnet has been turned off or re-started
recently, go to the next step.
10) Locate the missing computer in Active Directory User and Computers.
Open the properties for the computer account. on the 'Delegation' tab,
select "Trust this computer for delegation to all services (kerberos only)".
11) Check Group Policy. The ability to browse the computer from the
network may be turned off.

102878 - Information on Browser Operation:

Description of NetBIOS Browsing Console (Browcon.exe)
Vrh Dno