Šta je novo?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

Mislim da bi bilo najbolje kada bi se od svakog endžina uzelo po malo (X-Ray, CE3, Unreal...) i napravio jedan kompletan endžin za drugi deo i gotova priča.
Da, kao na pijac. Pola kile sira, kilo kajmaka...
vidi se da je covek upucen u materiju :p
Meni je balistika bila super odradjena u xray. Moze li se to postici i na CE3 ?
Moze. Recimo u ovom Sniperu novom ima bullet drop na primer. A nije to problem ni za druge endzine...
Mislim da je svima nama koji volimo stalker serijal biti jednino bitno da ne zeznu nesto oko napetosti i atmosfere koja igra nosi, znaci sam game play.
Sto se tice grafike moze da ostane ista a ne bih imao nista protiv da igram stalker i u novom ruhu.
Tvoj post je blago kontradiktoran (gameplay-atmosfera). :)
Da ne načinjem
U toku ove godine na Sci-Fi kanalu bi trebala da krene S.T.A.L.K.E.R. TV serija.
^dzabe ako ne bude bila u ruskoj izvedbi. ne mogu da zamislim cornobil bez ruskog jezika , onog vetra , i opste ivice haosa.
^ +1
To je originalna serija koja je rađena po igri. Emitovala se u ruskoj federaciji, a sad izgleda kreće za ostatak sveta.
Video sa Stalker 2 animacijama likova:


Sergey Zhukov je radio animacije. No izgleda da on vise nije dio tima?

Steta jer su odlicno odradjene.
Izgleda da je sad stvarno kraj :(

After a long silence the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 development team is finally back with the announcement. A new studio and project, despite no official continuation of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is reported, it looks like the ideas and spirit S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will live on in the team's new game – “Survarium”

Survarium is a free2play MMOFPS game set in the near future. The game focuses on a mass- scale ecological catastrophe on Earth, the reasons behind vaguely known.
Impassable woods advance onto cities from every side, maddened animals and birds attack industrial complexes, military structures, warehouses and power plants. Towns are cut off from each other, there are no water supplies, no electricity, gas, communication is lost. Countries collapse, anarchy spreads throughout the world. Now force dictates who to survive. In the meantime, new species of greenery and animals purposely destroy human civilization. Strange plants and mushrooms grow through concrete and steel. Scientists all over the world haplessly try to cope with the anomaly sprawling across the Earth with terrifying speed.
"The concept of Survarium is a next evolution step for the idea of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. we’ve been working on for the last ten years. – said Project Lead Ruslan Didenko. – Survarium will go way further forcing mankind to fight for survival not only within the closed area of Chernobyl zone, but also far beyond."
"Technology versus nature, rational versus mystical. Such a confrontation enables us to take a new look at the current happenings in our world, - said Aleksey Sytianov, Lead Game Designer of the project. – Survarium will offer players an atmospheric world of civilization crash, filled with factions and loners, stalkers and hunters surviving in a wild anomalous environment."
The game is developed on a new proprietary Vostok Engine technology and is planned for release on PC at the end of 2013.

Na pitanje u vezi finansija ovako su odgovorili

For all those asking about kickstarter and funding etc. That is not the issue. We secured new investors. We were however unable to secure the IP rights from the owwer to continue with the Stalker franchise.
Dakle jos jedan dev tim nastao od ljudi pobeglih iz GSC GameWorlda.
A gosn GSC ce ili sakupiti novu ekipu pa jovo nanovo ili povremeno prodavati STALKER brend kad mu zatreba kesha...verovatno ovo drugo...:wall:
To desava kada se seljacina docepa love. U ovom slucaju Sergei Grigorovich.

U proteklih par godina taj covjek je samo uspio otjerati vecinu kljucnih ljudi koji su od pocetka radili na ovoj igri.
Pojavila se vest o navodnoj izjavi Sergeja Grioroviča da je prodao licencu Stalkera firmi Bethesda.
"...STALKER brand into the hands of Bethesda games. I'm leaving the game development - fed up with..."
Pokušali su da provere kod Bethesda:
"Reached for confirmation, a Bethesda spokesperson declined to comment on the matter."
Takođe na zvaničnom GSC facebook to demantuju ali izgleda da tu nešto ipak ima.
Možda ipak Stalker 2 jednog dana bude završen.
Ako bude izgledao kao Fallout onda bolje ne :(
ne treba mi stalker 2 ako nece da lici na stalkera :mad:
Pojavila se vest o navodnoj izjavi Sergeja Grioroviča da je prodao licencu Stalkera firmi Bethesda.

Pa moje misljenje je da ameri nikada nece uspeti da to naprave kako valja. Cak i da preslikaju sve u piksel, zakitice pricu nekim glupostima, od ruskog nece ostati ni "R" i to jednostavno nece vise biti to...
Poslednja izmena:
I tako nestade jedna od poslednjih lepih stvari u PC gaming-u :( rest in peace S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
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Prodane duše:(
Vrh Dno