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ATI Catalyst/AMD Crimson - diskusija, pitanja, linkovi

Da li se dobiju neke performanse bez tog "Bloat-a" ?
Meni je znalo bolje (stabilnije pre svega) da radi kada instaliram cist drajver, ranije kada je to bilo moguce kroz sam installer.

Vec duze vreme nisam probao bez GUI-ja :D
Da li se dobiju neke performanse bez tog "Bloat-a" ?

Znam da mi je kom upotrebljiviji po ukljucivanju bez Radeon sw.
Znao sam da cekam po minut da se ucita sw tokom cega je komp bukvalno zamrznut.
*mjau**mjau**mjau*. imam stari hdd. Da je ssd mozda bi bilo drugacije.
Imam ubogu Radeon HD 7790 grafiku tako da ne igram igre.
Poslednja izmena:
Ovo je sav backgroun koje vidim u windowsima a nisam ni siguran da se odnosi samo na grafičku:
AMD services1.JPG
AMD services2.JPG
Ne vidim neki bloat od toga.
Važno je ono što nastavi da radi u pozadini. Sa svim softverom mogu da se menjaju nameštanja, bez njega je upitno koja su nameštanja po defaultu. Tu ima i za monitoring i za OC ako zatreba. Trenutno radim backup systema i ostalog, probaću kasnije da skinem driver i samo njega da updejtujem ali sinjam da će biti nekih poboljšanja u performansama, možda čak i pad.
Da. i to, Afterburner nije nešto naročito optimizovan za AMD grafiku, specijalno ako garfička nije MSI.
Novije kartice imaju više opcija.
Max 77c na furmarku.
Inače nikada nisam video preko 60cu igrama.
Znaci da ti ne radi na 100% load-a.

Nema teorije da ti u igrama bude tako ladna.

Kod mene R9 380 u igrama oko 75c
Pa retko šta ili ništa ne gura koliko Furmark. I meni je 380 bio vruć. MSI sa jednim fenom dok nije crkla.
75c nije za grafu vruće nego standardna temp u full-load-u a još je i leto :)
I ne baxuziraj mi grafu, ima dva venta. [emoji38]
Ova moja Asus ROG ima baš izdašno hlađenje ali je dugačka kao neke sa 3 fena. Jeste da je vrućina u sobi ali kada se setim temperatura onih 8400/8600 onda i 75/80c izgleda kao hladovina.
Ma nista nisu popravili samo stavili WHQL :crash:
pa i to može da pomogne kod Windows update-a.
A sta ocekujete da poprave?

(ionako se sve vise ljudi kune da im 5700xt kratice rade skoro savrseno u zadnje vreme)

Vidis kolika je lista problema a licno kod mene je nesto trepto monitor kad je ukljucen freesync dok sa nvidia karticom savrseno radio taj isti monitor.
Known Issues

Project CARS 3™ may experience mirror like corruption when using VR during game menus on GCN based Radeon graphics products.
Project CARS 3™ may experience performance issues when the Radeon Software performance metrics overlay is enabled.
Performance issues may be experienced when playing Horizon Zero Dawn™ on select Radeon Vega graphics.
With Radeon FreeSync enabled on Radeon RX 5000 series system configurations, task switching to another display or application may cause the display to flicker for a few moments.
Brightness flickering may be experienced on some VP9 video content playback through applications or web browsers on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics product system configurations.
Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
Performance Metrics Overlay and the Performance Tuning tab incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
With HDR enabled, Windows® desktop may experience flickering, and performing a task switch while in a game may cause colors to become washed out or over saturated.
Audio may experience instability when connected through an Audio Video Receiver via HDMI® on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
AMD will continue to monitor and investigate any new reports of black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay closely. Users are encouraged to use the new Bug Reporting Tool for any issues they may encounter.
Ja licno nemam 5700xt karticu,ali posto sam zainteresovan da je kupim video sam te (dugacke) liste problema,pa sam se totalno smorio i odustao od kupovine...

Medjutim,u zadnje vreme na ovom fourmu su sve cesci likovi koji tvrde da im 5700 kratice rade savrseno,bez ikakvih problema,a neki (nekako) nikada nisu ni imali nikakve problema sa AMD karticama....ili kao "ma to je bilo ranije,sad su ispeglali drajvere pa sve radi super".....(?!)

Tako da se ja ponadah da su ti mnogobrojni problemi sa rejdonima reseni,kad ono medjutim......ispada da neko i dalje ima probleme,a nekome ta ista krartica radi super.......to je jedna od svetskih misterija koja nikada nece biti razjasnjena
Ako baciš pogled na changelog nVidia drajvera, videćeš podjednako dugačku listu postojećih problema

Upravo ovo, i kod njih ima dosta problema, nikako nisu savrseni.
Ali jesu dosta bolji od AMD-a na tom pitanju.
Nije danas ni realno ocekivati bilo kakav software bez ponekog bug-a.
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 20.9.1 Beta

Fixed Issues

A black screen, system crash or TDR may occur while gaming when performing task switches, enabling performance metrics overlay, or having video content/web browsers open on secondary displays on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products system configurations.
Project CARS 3 may experience performance issues when the Radeon Software performance metrics overlay is enabled.
Error 1603 may occur during Radeon Software installation on some AMD Ryzen 5 Mobile Processors with Radeon Graphics system configurations.
Error 195 may occur during Radeon Software installation on some AMD Ryzen 3 Mobile Processors with Radeon Vega Graphics.
On some displays, power cycling the display while Radeon FreeSync is enabled may cause the display to remain black until the system is rebooted or the display is hot plugged.
Flickering may occur in Borderlands 3 in some locations when Radeon Boost is enabled.
Decoding some HEVC content using AMF Decoder may result in corruption in the clips playback.
Performance Tuning fan profiles may sometimes not be applied after loading a saved profile.
Radeon Software may sometimes crash or automatically exit when performing a game scan in the Gaming tab.
Random color corruption may intermittently occur on some surfaces while playing matchmaking in Counter-Strike : Global Offensive.
Notifications may be missing icons or text when hotkeys are used to invoke some Radeon Software streaming and recording features.
Brightness flickering may be experienced on some VP9 video content playback through applications or web browsers on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics product system configurations.

Known Issues

Project CARS 3 may experience mirror like corruption when using VR during game menus on GCN based Radeon graphics products.
With Radeon FreeSync enabled on Radeon RX 5000 series system configurations, task switching to another display or application may cause the display to flicker for a few moments or for the displays refresh rate to spike.
Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
Performance Metrics Overlay and the Performance Tuning tab incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
With HDR enabled, Windows desktop may experience flickering, and performing a task switch while in a game may cause colors to become washed out or over saturated.
Audio may experience instability when connected through an Audio Video Receiver via HDMI on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.

Insairao sam zadnje WHQL drajvere na rx460 i sad mi prikazuje vecu temperaturu graficke,sa 28 na 32-34 stepena???
Da li probati za zadnjim beta?
Evo na rx580 je ista.
Poslednja izmena:
Ko jos gleda idle temperature? :D
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