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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. serijal modovi [Mod FAQ]

Je li neko igrao sa sun shadows uključenim? Kod mene jako nizak fps sa ovom opcijom, praktično neigrivo.
Je li neko igrao sa sun shadows uključenim? Kod mene jako nizak fps sa ovom opcijom, praktično neigrivo.

Ja probao,i oko 40fps mi baca moja masina iz potpisa :) mislim da je vise neka neoptimizovanost u pitanju pre nego zahtevnost,mada moram priznati da sa sa tim efektom igra izgleda prelepo!!
Kod mene se vrti na oko 29-30 (7950, i7 860 @4 Ghz)
Sve na ultra, sem motion blur. On je off.
Igra je i dalje prepuna bugova kao i stara verzija, grafika sa svim detaljima na maks izgleda jako lepo, ali dzabe kada je igra neoptimizovana, sa svim na maks, igra mi radi na ~20fps, a trebalo bi sve da "leti", takodje sam primetio da je igra single threaded, jedno jezgro 100%, ostala tri na ispod 10% opterecenja. Praticu desavanja sto se tice ispravki bagova, posto mi ne pada na pamet da je igram u stanju u kakvom je trenutno.
Izasao patch. Ne znam o cemu pricas,meni na masini staroj 3 i po godine radi u full HD na high podesavanjima.
I pored zakrpe i dalje problem sa sun shadows, neko vreme sve lepo radi na max pa opet 12-15 fps nezavisno da li je otvoren prostor ili unutrašnjost zgrade, dan ili noć...
Pa ugasi sun shadows
Koji overhaul ( ili vec broj manjih modova ) preporucujete za Shadow Of Chernobyl? Presao sam SoC pre par godina sa Complete modom + realistic weapons, i iskreno... cak mi je vanila bila bolja. Igra sa navedenim modovima je bila laganica za prelazenje...
Poslednja izmena:
Inace, kakav je ovaj Lost Alpha mod? Da li je vredan igranja?
Sudeći po YT klipovima izgleda ozbiljno, još samo da se popeglaju bagovi.
Dobar je,ali nemoj jos da pocinjes dok ne izbace drugi patch (rekose sledece nedelje), koji treba jos obiljnijih stvari da popravi. Ionako ce trebati New game kad ga izbace.

Videcu da predjem onda Call of Pripyat dok ne ispeglaju Lost Alpha mod. Igrao sam ga mozda sat vremena kada je izasao, od tada nista...
Skini Complete i za njega. Meni je cak CoP bolji od SoC.
Majci su sva deca podjednako draga :)
Nemoj praviti razliku, Stalkeru. Idi po artifakte, ubij Streloka, o tome misli, to je tvoja sudbina.
Mudro govoriš starče ;)
Trenutno prelazim Shadow of Chernobyl sa Autumn Aurora 2 modom. Mod je odlican! Ko zeli vanila iskustvo prekriveno u novo ruho topla preporuka za AA2 mod. Po meni je za klasu bolji od Complete moda koji dosta olaksava igru.

Cim predjem SoC krecem sa Clear Sky. Da li ima neki mod da preporucujete za njega? Cuo sam da je ovaj mod dobar - Sky Reclamation Project (SRP) ( http://stalker.filefront.com/file/Sky_Reclamation_Project;122002 ). Da li ga je probao neko?
Poslednja izmena:
Ima, a kakav bi ti mod igrao.
Potraži Degtyarev story ne znam da li je za CS ili CoP, igrao sam ga davno jako dobra priča ali me je zona odvukla na drugu stranu. :D
Lost Alpha 1.3002. Patch:


Here is the long awaited second patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha. Due to changes in storyline and engine, it is necessary to start a new game after you install this update. Your previous saves will not work. This patch is cumulative, so you do not need to install the previous (1.30013) patch at all.

Install Notes:

Unpack the zip archive somewhere and run the setup. This will wipe the previous patch's content, as well as the gamedata and the bins directory from the game. So, if you had modded files, make sure you back them up before you run the patch. Beware, mods for the 1st patch will not work with the 2nd until mod makers make them compatible.

Changes Log:


- fixed vibrating (constant open and close) doors on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed inaccessible "ashes to ashes" stash on Darkdolina level- fixed crash for missing suit upgrade
- fixed Escape bridge soldiers dying because too far from shelter
- fixed flying trees and props on Darkscape level- fixed Pripyat geometry (missing surface)
- fixed Arena mobs missing bug- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[dm_artefact_merger_wnd]
- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[forg_stalker_trader_start]
- fixed map marker for bandit suit on Darkdolina
- fixed crash related to missing crossbow decor model'
- fixed level changer position from the Power Plant to Sarcofag
- fixed Radar crash near outpost
- fixed ui_repair_wnd.script:471: attempt to index field 'selected_item'
- fixed quickload after death with hotkey
- fixed Greben jobs and dialogs on Yantar
- fixed usage of motion blur effect on R2 (dynamic lightning)
- fixed Lukash task dialog
- fixed Petrenko's task and dialog on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed Sidorovich's message to kill zombies even if all are dead
- fixed incorrect RPM for upgraded sig550
- fixed can't open section 'bandages'
- fixed incorrect icon for upgraded VAL weapon
- fixed return entry to Pripyat from Outskirts
- fixed [error]Description : callback kils bone matrix bone: bip01_spine2
- fixed crash when killing stalker trader on Construction Site
- fixed some other codes for doors
- fixed broken logic for doors and camera on Lost Factory
- fixed some floating boxes and barrels in Agroprom
- fixed ai-map in Deadcity (monsters climbed the bridge from the river)
- fixed ai-map for the duty sniper on Garbage outpost
- fixed ai-map and geometry on Yantar level
- fixed green glass in windows, jars etc. on r1 (static lightning) render
- fixed shader for lamps on dx10 (bulbs in lamps visible again)
- fixed incorrect calculation of money
- fixed Pripyat secret trader, now he will appear
- fixed crash in DetailManager, often shown on Generators level
- fixed some broken freeplay tasks
- fixed pda buttons (and the crash when using it)
- fixed missing known info strings
- fixed unresponsive bloodsucker on Darkvalley when climbing through hole in roof
- fixed Deedee antidote exploit
- fixed kill statistics
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[forg_dolg_raid_dialog_finished]
- fixed rendering crashes on all levels, but mainly related to the last few ones
- fixed transparent window frame on Generators level
- fixed missing Sin house (esc_basement_motor_cache) stash in Escape level
- fixed upgraded icon for PSZ-9Md outfit
- fixed crash when using repair kits
- fixed Sakharov dialogs
- fixed faulty stashes on Army Warehouses level
- fixed auto fire upgrades
- fixed Deadcity money issue
- fixed kampers ignoring danger
- fixed contact's incorrect avatar on Army Warehouses level
- fixed position of anomaly which was almost inside the Bar on Great Metal Factory
- fixed crash when talking to Duty leader on the Power Plant level
- fixed trees which had no collision
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[escape_wolf_greatings]
- fixed broken task when Hunter moves to Outskirts
- fixed duplicating ammo in safe exploit- fixed weather
- fixed transparent metal surface on Garbage level
- fixed crash which happens if you try to talk to an npc via pda chat in the same time the npc dies
- fixed upgraded icon for VAL weapon
- fixed mutant wave on the Power Plant level (sometimes task did not finish)
- fixed reaction of monolith soldiers at the Power Plant level when player drives BTR vehicle
- fixed various small glitches


- finetuned all traders and their stock
- added missing map hint for Garbage sniper
- removed anomaly from the middle of the road on Great Metal Factory which made the access to Military level with car very hard
- Strelok's book can be dropped now, but it will be available in the articles menu on your pda as well
- now can buy cars from Outskirts barman too
- monster and character relations were tweaked
- added timer on hud for the gasmask on Rostok Factory level
- slightly increased probability of rain and thunder
- knife hit powers finetuned
- alcohol postprocess effects tweaked
- dx10 render optimized (more will come in later patches)
- added feature: when checking stash with purple icon and not taking all of theitems, the icon will change to green and will only be removed if you take all
- pda chat finetuned, if a participant goes offline, you will see message "connection lost"
- added X18 documents dialog to the "barman" Petrenko so that dialog can complete if doing task later
- made Sin neutral to the actor (to avoid misunderstanding)
- made Sin hostile towards actor_dolg (if player joins duty) and dolg (duty faction)
- added more fuel to traders and stashes
- finetuned ai reactions
- finetuned certain monster reactions
- removed extra sleeping bags from the game, but the one you have is now dropable, tradeable, and you can buy one at traders
- added ladder to the hole on the ground in Yantar to make climbing in and out more convenient
- revisioned and united all weapon hud positions
- the secret trader now sells only unique items
- added more alife to Darkscape, Forest, Outskirts and Country levels
- particles engine tweaked, finetuned and more stable
- implemented cloud shadows on r3 (dx10) render too
- added pda message about the 3rd bloodsucker to kill on Rostok Factory level
- enemies won't ignore you if you are sitting in a car
- various smaller tweaks and fixes
- removed test grenades and fixed bug so now NPCs will run from grenades they throw if they land close to them
Ja bio na pola puta pa sam stao jer sam cekao patch. Ali mora ispocetka. Sacekacu jos malo pa krecem opet lagano.
Poslednja izmena:
To je bilo i za pretpostaviti.

Teram lost alphu sa poslednjim pacom, i non stop mi je oblacno vreme, kako je kod vas?
Udji u igru, vrati podesavanja na static lighting (verujem da ti je na full dynamic lighting, iliti dx 10). Zatim restartuj igru (ona sama trazi), i loaduj sejv. Vrti se par minuta po mapi, napravi novi sejv i izadji u glavni meni. Vrati na full dynamic lighing i opet restartuj igru. Loaduj najnoviji sejv i posle nekog vremena bi trebalo da ti izadje iz tog loop-a gde je samo oblacno. Od tad imas i suncano, i kisno vreme, blowout, psi storm, sta god. Meni je to pomoglo a i mnogima, nego ne mogu da nadjem link pa sam ti iz glave sve rekao.
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