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Koji Antivirus preporucujete?

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Konektovan preko:

Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Probaj sa Hotspot Shield ja sam sa njim uzeo 3 licence :D
Moze neko ko je uspeo ovo da odradi da uzme i meni jedan kljuc i prosledi , ja sam pokusavao ali na zalost bez uspeha
Uzeo 3 , hvala , mozes njega da obrises .
Poslednja izmena:
Ja sam isto pokušavao sa više različitih proksija/vpn-ova i uvek nakon što popunim obrazac dobijam poruku da trenutno nije dostupno i da probam kasnije i tako već nekoliko sati. :/
ADGUARD 3 Day Unlimited Giveaway Details

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GIVEAWAY: https://www.eset.com/au/pc-tech-authority-offer/

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Odlicni postovi, kao i obicno.

A evo, Nomad casti i ako neko nije uspeo da uzme sam (eset): AUD4-W338-7NVJ-JKC9-P3KF

imao sam nameru da budem onoliko bezobrazan koliko email adresa imam, ali vpn je uzasno problematican i bas dugo traje dok se zabode da proradi, pa me stvarno mrzi da se mlatim.
Odlicni postovi, kao i obicno.

A evo, Nomad casti i ako neko nije uspeo da uzme sam (eset): AUD4-W338-7NVJ-JKC9-P3KF

imao sam nameru da budem onoliko bezobrazan koliko email adresa imam, ali vpn je uzasno problematican i bas dugo traje dok se zabode da proradi, pa me stvarno mrzi da se mlatim.

Kome treba jos neki kljuc neka pusti PM :D
Heimdal PRO 6 Months for FREE (Only 700 licenses left)

Site of Promotion: https://heimdalsecurity.com/en/buy/register?voucher=wonderfoxgive06
Type of Event:
Instructions: Just fallow the link

Filter your traffic, scan for vulnerabilities, patch and update important third-party software using this straightforward and reliable software solution that helps improve the security of your home PC or corporate network

Nowadays there is an ever growing number of malicious components that can jeopardize yours or your computer's security by providing others with access to your documents through various backdoors.

Although there is no standard way of keeping your files secure, it is possible that you can lower the chance of a cybernetic attack by using third-party software solutions such as Heimdal PRO.

Updater, patcher, monitor and scanner

Heimdal PRO is a comprehensive security solution that can help you ensure the well-being of your system by providing you with relevant information, while also keeping an eye of your traffic or potential flaws.

It includes a traffic filter that scans your online activity in an attempt to block malicious websites or content from infecting your machine, a malware scanner that detects and blocks identified components and also a system patcher that tries to block exploits by keeping your applications up-to-date.

Step-by-step configuration

After you launch it, the application prompts you with a wizard that can guide you through the configuration in a step-by-step manner, making it possible even for novices to benefit from its capabilities without significant efforts.

However, you can always modify the settings, even after you are done with the wizard, by clicking the gear-wheel button on the top toolbar and navigating to the desired categories.

Generates activity reports

You can access an overview of your computer's security by clicking the dedicated Activity Reports button, which provides you with useful insight into general aspects of your PC's security and more specific ones as well.

It is possible to keep track of the number of traffic filter scans and blocks, malware scans or clean-ups and also the amount of monitored apps and applied patches. If you want more in-depth information, you can click the tabs that correspond to your needs.

Reliable security solution that features scanners, a patcher and a traffic monitor

All in all, Heimdal PRO is a trustworthy asset, as it can help you ensure your PC's security in various means by scanning for malware components, analyzing online traffic and keeping your software up-to-date. It comes with a user-friendly interface, packs intuitive functions and packs a handy configuration menu.
Jel probao neko ClamAV? https://www.clamav.net/
Ja sam imao verziju 0.99.1, ali nije mi se nesto pokazao, mozda zato sto je tek napravljen GUI za Windows, verovatno je bolji za Linux. Ali izgleda skroz funkcionalno i uopste ne zauzima resurse, trenutno je aktuelna verzija 0.99.2, ali ne znam sta je u pitanju, ne moze da se pokrene nesto na Windows-u..
@imarkovic Losa detekcija, bolje resenje ti je bitd/avast/eset, sve moze besplatno i legalno da se nadje, prelistaj temu.
@imarkovic Losa detekcija, bolje resenje ti je bitd/avast/eset, sve moze besplatno i legalno da se nadje, prelistaj temu.

Znam za to, moj izbor je 360 total security, kao free varijanta, za mene ne postoji bolje. Ranije sam instalirao ESET i Bitd. Ali, evo imao sam slucaj gde je bio Windows XP x64 sp2 slabiji PC koji ne trpi ultra mega zahtevne nasminkane AV-ove, sto ovaj 360 svakako nije, ali ne podrzava x64 XP, pa je ovaj Clam lepo legao, medjutim nisam u potpunosti zadovoljan, nije bas svemocan, ali vec posle par dana vidim na sajtu sledecu verziju, sto je naravno pohvalno jer se tamo iza neko trudi, pa pretpostavljam da se razvija i ide ka nekom cilju i da ce mozda ubrzo biti funkcionalan i lepo spakovan za Windows crap. Instalira se za ukupno 30 sekundi i pokrece se odmah na ultra slabom PC-u.
Jel probao neko ClamAV? https://www.clamav.net/
Ja sam imao verziju 0.99.1, ali nije mi se nesto pokazao, mozda zato sto je tek napravljen GUI za Windows, verovatno je bolji za Linux. Ali izgleda skroz funkcionalno i uopste ne zauzima resurse, trenutno je aktuelna verzija 0.99.2, ali ne znam sta je u pitanju, ne moze da se pokrene nesto na Windows-u..

Ima verzija i za Windows. Imaj na umu da je ovo ope source AV namijenjen prvenstveno za email gatewaye. Zaboravi na realtime zaštitu sa njim na WIndowsu.

Sad lijepe vijesti. KFA (aka Kaspersky Free Antivirus) će uskoro biti dostupan za cijelu Zemlju, a ne samo za ex-SSSR države.

S obzirom da nema System Watcher (behaviour monitoring) kojeg ima KAV i ostali, oslanjaće se samo na "statičku" detekciju. No bolje išta nego ništa.
Ima verzija i za Windows. Imaj na umu da je ovo ope source AV namijenjen prvenstveno za email gatewaye. Zaboravi na realtime zaštitu sa njim na WIndowsu.
Zimbra njega fura. Prosle (i ove tho) godine nam je propustio brda nekog ransomware-a....
Kakav crni heat from WD kad im su najveća konkurencija Avast i Avira. :D
Ja sam se vratio na Avast nakon X godina, ne pamtim da je bio ovako lak.. Neko vreme sam koristio WD, Avast Free je sasvim druga klasa.. A obicno i na testovima bude sasvim OK.

Sumnjam da Kasperski moze bolje od ovoga.
Kaspersky faces heat from Windows Defender; introduces free anti-virus for Windows :D


Ko nije neka proba , free je > https://www.kaspersky.com/free-antivirus

Ja sam probao Kaspersky i zaista sam odusevljen, inace radi fino na 775 platformi, malo gusi Pentium single, dok skenira, ocekvano, ali u idle ne. Resio mi je problem sa kojim sam se nervirao danima na sekundarnom kompu, iskace neka glupa stranica od internet exploder-a, jedna na sat vremena. Nasao je 14 malware-a, koja ni NOD32 v.10 nije mogao, to mi je bilo malo cudno, jer me sluzi dugo i lepo NOD32 EsmartSmartSecurity.

PS sta vam je WD? Morate bas skracenice da koristite, kao oni za serije :)
Ah, defender..
I ja sam se pitao sta je WD :) Inace defender je rupa teska sto se tice bezbednosti, a Eset samo Srbi vole:) Krajnje prosecan antivirus, gori od avasta. Jedina prednost je sto ne opterecuje komp...
I ja sam se pitao sta je WD :) Inace defender je rupa teska sto se tice bezbednosti, a Eset samo Srbi vole:) Krajnje prosecan antivirus, gori od avasta. Jedina prednost je sto ne opterecuje komp...
Odakle ti info da je Defender rupa? Pricas napamet i secas se sta je bio, a ne pratis kakav je sada, ne daj da te zavara basic gui...

Sent from my Nokia 5
Pa be bih baš rekao da je "rupa" ništa nije gori nego bilo koji drugi. Samo budale bi se oslanjale na antiviruse da ih spašavaju.
Postavljao sam već u Win 10 temi.
Ovo je idealan primer za hvaljenje, ali svejedno je WD daleko bolji nego što je bio.

Windows Defender AV did not detect it as malicious; however, it recognized the file’s suspicious characteristics, so it temporarily prevented the file from running. The client sent a query to the Windows Defender AV cloud protection service, which used machine-learning-powered cloud rules to confirm that the file was likely malware needing further investigation.

Within 312 milliseconds, the cloud protection service returned an initial assessment. It then instructed the client to send a sample and to continue locking the file until a more definite verdict was given.

In about two seconds, the client finished uploading the sample. By default, it’s set to wait for up to 10 seconds to hear back from the cloud protection service before letting such suspicious files run.

As soon as the sample was uploaded, a backend file-processing system analyzed the sample. A multi-class machine learning classifier determined there was more than a 95% chance that the file was malicious. The cloud protection service created a signature, which it sent back to client. All of this happened in just five seconds.

One second later, the Windows Defender AV client applied the cloud signature and quarantined the malware. It reported the results back to the cloud service; from that point on, this file was automatically blocked, protecting all Windows PC customers.

From the time Windows Defender AV uploaded the sample, the cloud protection service returned the malware signature in just five seconds, as shown by these actual timestamps:

2017-04-20 03:53:21 – Cloud protection service received query from Windows Defender AV client

2017-04-20 03:53:21 – Cloud protection service assessed it hadn’t seen the file and that is was suspicious, so it requested a sample and to keep locking the file

2017-04-20 03:53:23 – Sample finished uploading

2017-04-20 03:53:28 – Cloud protection service determined file as malware, generated signature, and sent that back to client

2017-04-20 03:53:29 – Windows Defender AV client notified that it successfully detected and removed the malware
Moze AV preporuka za stariju masinu na XP-u?
Nesto lagano za korisnika koji nece/ne ume da se bakce sa takvim stvarima.
Ortak zapeo za AV, ima stariju masinu a ja AV ne koristim pa ni ne pratim.
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