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Crash Time IV: The Syndicate


Pojavilo se i ovo!Radjeno je po Nemackoj seriji Cobra 11!Nisam ni znao da postoji ova igra,kad ono iza sebe ima jos 3 dela!Cini mi se da ovo nece biti tako lose!:)

Crash Time 4 presents detailed High speed pursuits and tons of car action in Cologne. For the first time in the series, a multiplayer mode has been added to the game. Crash Time 4 allows up to eight players to play challenges online.

In single player mode, which has also been completely re-designed, players are chasing down a criminal syndicate, whose members are trying to stop the police and gain control over the scenic city of Cologne. Based on the German TV series "Alarm für Cobra 11" (known as "Cobra 11" or "Autobahn Cop" in several countries), players slip into the roles of the TV series' main characters, the highway cops Semir and Ben. Thus, players go through various missions based on the events of the TV series.

Odigrao sam prvi i drugi deo igre i nesto od treceg i mogu da kazem da je prosek od igre pa cak i negde dosta ispod toga. Ima neceg iritantnog u gameplayu ali ko moze da zaboravi na neke nedostatke moze ovo da odigra.
Meni su do sad svi crash timeovi bili bezveze ali danas sam instalirao ovo i zaigrao se nekih sat vremena bez prekida.. sto je retkost kod mene kad su igre u pitanju. Grafika je odlicna kao i car damage.. za ljubitelje voznje svakako da probaju.
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