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4k display i prevelika "osetljivost" duplog klika na misu sa manjim DPI



"Mouse is overly sensitive to movement during double-click on a 4k display​

Mouse clicks appear to be interpreted differently if the mouse is moving while the click events occur. This interpretation seems to be based on pixels and not some more standard scaling factor such as a percentage of the default font size. This can make it difficult to double-click when using a high resolution 4k monitor. I have tried various mouse settings such as reducing the double click speed and changing the mouse pointer speed. Reducing the mouse pointer speed improves the situations but it also means that I need to make big sweeping motions with the mouse for it to move across the screen. Changing the mouse double-click speed does not help at all. I have an easy time creating double-clicks with the mouse double-click speed set all the way to fast, but only if the mouse pointer speed is slow."

Ovo se dogadja na misevima sa manjim DPI 800-1000, dok oni sa 2000 uglavnom nikada ne iskuse ovaj problem. Problem se manifestuje kod mene na 4K TV uz Logitech B185. Jednostavno, dok u 4k rezoluciji sve radi lepo, double click je OK, kad predjem u 4K "gresim" u recimo 10-15% slucajeva gde po nekoliko puta "ponavljam" double click dok ne uspe. :)


found a solution in the registry under:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
changing the two settings:

Default is 4 pixels, you can try 8 or 6.

It is unfortunate that these settings are in pixels because this does not scale with monitor resolution and the default value of 4 is difficult to use on a high resolution monitor.

Ovih unosa DoubleClickHeight i DoubleClickWidth ima na vise mesta u registry i svuda sam ih promenio sa 4 na 8, ostalo ne treba dirati. Od tada je problem nestao. Drugo resenje je ocigledno bilo da kupim mis sa vise DPI ali zaista ne vidim zasto bi to radio. U svakom slucaju mozda nekome ovo pomogne.
Nisam primetio ovaj problem sa 4K monitorom, možda jer nisam ni obraćao pažnju. Mada, moj CPI na mišu je visok pa možda zbog toga...
Nisam primetio ovaj problem sa 4K monitorom, možda jer nisam ni obraćao pažnju. Mada, moj CPI na mišu je visok pa možda zbog toga...
Upravo to, dobar mis nema problema. Ne bi ni ja primetio da ne koristim prilicno zastareo mis na HTPC, ali mi je bilo zanimljivo da Windows sam ne ume na osnovu hardvera da postavi korektno podesavanje vec treba u registry rucno cackati.
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