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Avast free - Network security


Ima opciju da se testira sigurnost rutera i pristup komp.-u. Nisam znao da sifru admin admin smatra veoma rizicnom tj. mislio sam jedini pristup ruteru je ako si na tom komp.-u na kom je prikljucen ruter.


Kada se klikne more info dobio se jos gomilu nekih saveta jer navodno nisam zasticen.

Your router is set to a weak password!
Configuration of your wireless router is protected by a default or weak login password and hackers can easily break in. Your personal data may be at risk.
Different issue?
The admin interface of your router uses a weak password, or none. Every router has a specialized administrative interface that can be used to configure the router. It is imperative that this interface is protected by a good password - otherwise, anyone can log in to your router and reconfigure it, compromising your entire network. We have found that your router uses a very weak password -- the default password, or one that is easily guessed, or none at all. This leaves your network vulnerable even to attackers with basic skills.

This is a critical issue and we strongly recommend to address it immediately.

Select your router manufacturer to view further instructions on how to change the router admin password:









Can't find your router?

Rename your network. Some routers come with default network names (or SSID) like NETGEAR, LINKSYS etc. We recommend to use a different name because a default name unnecessarily identifies the make of your router, making it easier for attackers to break in.
Do not configure your wireless router to hide the SSID. By making your Wi-Fi network invisible, you are configuring your other devices (such as your PC) to broadcast the network name themselves, which may be even more dangerous.
Regularly check who is connected to your network. The router admin interface usually has a section called "Device List", which shows the names of all devices that are connected to the wireless network. Routine checks may reveal unwelcome visitors.
Don't bother with MAC address access filters. They may seem like a good way to safeguard the network, but in fact they are very easy to bypass. They are just not worth the trouble.
Advanced users can change the subnet from 192.168.0.x / 192.168.1.x to something like 10.x.x.x. This is an easy way to increase security, because many attacks today are performed by web snippets trying to access the 192.168.0.x / 192.168.1.x addresses (the most common).

Avast Home Network Security alerts:
Your router is infected
Your wireless network is not secure
Your network router is set to a weak password
Your network router is accessible from the Internet
Your router is vulnerable to hacker attacks
Your network devices are not protected

Jel ovo tacno sto ovde pise i da li je neophodna sva ova preventiva? Takodje ovo boldovano mi nije jasno zasto je sve to naveo. Gde pise da wifi nije osiguran, stavio sam neki dugacak pass sa malim velikim slovima,
brojevima i simbolima.
Šifra ti je užas, ako imaš Wi-Fi može neko drugi da se loguje tako.
Ovo ostalo je više da te plaši, nego što će ozbiljno da ti se desi.
Ali uradi šta ti kaže. :D
Za wireless:
stavio sam neki dugacak pass sa malim velikim slovima, brojevima i simbolima.

Kako neku u opste moze da se loguje preko admin admin ako nije za ovim mojim komp-om? Nisi mi nista naveo. Jel tebi i drugima pristup ruteru neka specificna? Da je tolko to osetljivo pisalo bi da pri prikljucenju rutera/modema odma promenite pristup istim jer je ranljivo.
Mislio sam da misliš na ruter za pristup podešavanjima da je admin/admin.
Maliciozna skripta na web strani moze da prilikom ucitavanja u web browseru otvori http konekciju ka routeru. Na osnovu odgovara moze da predpostavi koji je router u pitanju pa da pokusa login sa admin/admin kombinacijom. Ako upadne u router moze da promeni dns i preusmeri sav saobraćaj na maliciozni proxy.
Tu i jeste admin/admin sto je Avast i prijavio da je preslaba sifra. Mislim svima je tako sem ako proizvodjac nije napisao nesto drugo, kolko znam to se ne dira tj. nepostoji mogucnost opasnosti zbog toga sem ako neces da ti neko kao sedne za komp i pristupi ruteru sto je besmisleno. Zato me je zbunilo sve ovo sto je ispisao kao upozorenje.


sada ima smisla, sto znaci da je preporucljivo promenuti. Ostalo sto je naveo Avast kao mogucu opasnost?
Poslednja izmena:
Za sifru stavi WPA2-AES enkripciju barem 10 karaktera, ostalo sve je lako za razbiti
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