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Act of Aggression


Od likova koji su napravili Act of War, konacno stize duhovni naslednik ove fantasticne igre :D

The game aims to “bring the players back in the 90’s Golden Age of strategy games.”, implying that Act of Aggression will be a traditional RTS, with its gameplay similar to Command & Conquer and StarCraft. Act of Aggression will thus include base building and resource gathering.

The three confirmed playable factions are the United States Army, the Chimera and the Cartel. The game will include superweapons and "anti-superweapons" for each of the factions. Each faction will upgrade in a centralized headquarters in order to unlock new units, buildings, and upgrades.

Bila je VIP Beta ovog vikenda, imao sam sreće da dobijem pozivnicu i igrao sam par partija. Na nesreću većinu na laptopu, iako igra ODLIČNO radi jer ima pregršt opcija i može fantastično da se podešava, nego nisam mogao da snimam na laptopu. Evo opcija grafičkih: http://i.imgur.com/zYpB8fo.jpg
I evo jedna partija:
E ovo vec lici na nesto dobro
Pojavila se. Bas me interesuje kakva je..
Baš da vidim na šta ovo izgleda, baš sam se uželeo nekakvog ovakvog klasičnog RTS-a. (classic C&C ili Generals style)
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