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Pillars of Eternity

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Ja još čekam ključ :)

PC Gamer - 92/100
This is a big, fat, deep adventure that lets you carve your own unique path through a fantasy world that’s been brilliantly brought to life with rich, evocative writing. It’s a game steeped in a bygone era of computer RPG design, but somehow it doesn’t feel archaic. Obsidian have always been bound to other peoples’ worlds—Fallout, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, South Park—but in creating their own from scratch, they’ve made not only their best game to date, but one of the best RPGs on PC.
Eurogamer - Recommended
It's an RPG with design firmly rooted in nostalgia, but one that absolutely doesn't rely on it to be enjoyable today. Instead, it's both a great reminder of why those games worked so well, and a brand new adventure well worth the hours upon hours (upon hours upon hours) that it takes to pick away at its secrets and its world.
Escapist - 5/5
Bottom Line: It's the best new, isometric RPG to come out in years.

Recommendation: While Pillars of Eternity is certainly banking on a nostalgic fan base, it's still an excellent RPG in its own right. It's a game rich with player agency, giving you tons of control to craft your story or explore different solutions to the presented problems. You know, actual roleplaying not simply a game with a leveling and stat system stapled on
Gamewatcher - 9/10
All you really need to know though, is this; Pillars of Eternity is a triumph. If you’re a backer and a fan of those classic Infinity Engine games, you’re in for a real treat, a smart and complex adventure that will keep you entertained and absorbed for possibly the rest of your life, and certainly until the already announced expansion pack comes out. Even those who never got on with those classic games should give it a go, because there’s a tonne of smart design choices in here that smooth out the rough edges that might have kept you away before. A superb introduction to a fascinating new fantasy world. Can’t wait to see where in the world of Eora we get to go next.
IGN (RU) - 10/10
IGN (IT) - 9.4/10
PC Games (GE) - 91/100
gamereactor.es - 8/10
A new cult RPG (if a bit too much homage/conservative, would be great with some more own risks while keeping the classic style)
Everyeye (IT) - 9.3/10

Pillars of Eternity is modern, while evoking the past. It’s accessible, but satisfyingly complex. Its quality is undeniable, and it’s particularly heartening to see Obsidian, the underdog RPG studio with a string of thrown-bones and rough diamonds behind it, pour its sweat and passion into something they obviously love – and utterly nail it.

Editor's Note: Despite playing Pillars of Eternity for 26 hours, and despite loving it like his own, Jim's not ready to put a score on his review just yet, as he hasn't finished the game. When he finally does so, sometime in 2143, we will update accordingly.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun
It’s a triumph. A wonderful, enormous and spellbinding RPG, gloriously created in the image of BioWare’s Infinity classics, but distinctly its own. A classic in every sense.

PCGamesN - 10/10
Obsidian had a daunting task before them: to make a spiritual successor to a series of games that are inextricably tangled up in nostalgia, over a decade after the height of those games’ popularity. This is not the Baldur’s Gate of 2015, it’s Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, the best parts of the lot of them wrapped up in something new and brilliant. And before you venture forth, don’t forget to gather your party.
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Kada pre izbacise review. Ma sigurno su odgirali min 30h da bi mogli da je ocene :)
Stampa je dobila igru nedelju dana ranije.
Lik ciji sam klip okacio je igrao igru 78 sati dok je nije zavrsio i kaze da je remek-delo.
Bogami to je lep gametime. Pogotovo ako je sve onako "ručno" crtano a ne copy paste / proceduralno, tako da sve u igri uvek novo izgleda.
Zadnja igra gde sam ulozio slicne sate (~100) je Divinity.. Wasteland 2 nisam mogao da odigram, uporno me odbijao taj post apokaliptični svet i sve što pripada istom.
toliko mi je drago sto ce obsidian konacno pokupiti apsolutno dobre kritike i verovatno solidnu lovu i buduce angazmane zbog ovog naslova

samo jos metacritic da se namesti kako treba i to je to, sto ne bi trebao biti problem ako se tamo zalepi jedan deo od 70.000+ ljudi koji su podrzali kikstarter :D
toliko mi je drago sto ce obsidian konacno pokupiti apsolutno dobre kritike i verovatno solidnu lovu i buduce angazmane zbog ovog naslova

samo jos metacritic da se namesti kako treba i to je to, sto ne bi trebao biti problem ako se tamo zalepi jedan deo od 70.000+ ljudi koji su podrzali kikstarter :D






Inace, citam vec da su najavili ekspanziju koja ce izaci ove godine - odlicne vesti! Da li je bilo reci o steam workshop podrsci, za modove?
Poslednja izmena:
Bogami to je lep gametime. Pogotovo ako je sve onako "ručno" crtano a ne copy paste / proceduralno, tako da sve u igri uvek novo izgleda.
Zadnja igra gde sam ulozio slicne sate (~100) je Divinity.. Wasteland 2 nisam mogao da odigram, uporno me odbijao taj post apokaliptični svet i sve što pripada istom.

Ako te odbija losa grafika u Wasteland 2, najavljen je graficki overhaul.

da konacno, jer za New Vegas nisu dobili bonus jer nisu presli na metacriticu valjda 87 ili 90 - ponudu koju im je bethesda nametnula, a i bethesdinim fanovima se nije toliko svideo NV za razliku od FO3
kotor, nwn2 i ostalo ne recunam jer je to bilo poodavno, i obsidian je polako pocinjao da vazi za ne bas pouzdane izvodjace radova
cak im ni south park nije obezbedio preko potrebnu i dovoljnu finansijsku injekciju kako bi bezbrizno nastavili obitavanje na trzistu, otuda oni snimici i prica o teskoj situaciji u kompaniji, otpustanju i neizvesnoj buducnosti pred kikstarter koji im je slamka spasa bila
Nadam se da je sledeci korak udruzeni rad sa inXile na Tormentu pa onda ako bude bilo srece novi Kickstarter sa sve World of Darkness licencom tj. novi Vampire the Masquerade :)
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User review

Obvious troll is obvious.

Inače, ove ocene su me baš iznenadile. Ovo ispade u rangu sa Bloodborne po ocenama.
Konačno stigao i moj ključ, sad kreće no life :)
Ace da zamre ova tema na neko vreme :)
Meni je steam skinuo samo onih 6gb i imam play ali nisam smeo da probam da pokrenem jer moram da spavam :)
Jel to nekim čudom sve, tih 6gb ili je stvarno 18 kao što je i pisalo na steamu?

Uopšte nisam bio u nekom hajpu oko igre, uzeo sam je prošle godine čisto da ih ispoštujem (nakon što me divinity iznenadio pozitivno) ali posle ovakvih kritika moraću da stvorim vremena za igranje...
Tih 6GB posle instalacije raspakuje na nekih ~14GB, to je to.
Kakvi su utisci? Ja upravo kupio, tek veceras cu moci da igram...
Nadam se da je sledeci korak udruzeni rad sa inXile na Tormentu pa onda ako bude bilo srece novi Kickstarter sa sve World of Darkness licencom tj. novi Vampire the Masquerade :)

Ja bukvalno ne mogu da docekam Torment :( Bas mi je torment :)
Vrh Dno