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PES 2011

Stigao kod, igra se skida i teska je 2gb :D
Utisci sa gafa
Classic Konami online issues:

- Try and connect
- Doesn't connect a few times
- Finally shows up T&Cs
- Press Accept
- Starts to create account info
- Disconnects mid-creation
- Game is now telling me I'm logged on without being logged on and can't do anything about it. Nothing.
- Delete and redownload 2 gigs.

Utisci sa evo-weba(poslednja recenica mi bas i ne uliva nadu u objektivnost)
OMG The online is sooo smooth compared to previous versions.

The game is completely new. You cant go into it playing like you did in past PES games. Its definitely 360 degree movement or something very close to it at least. The animations are looking really, really good. Not had many complaints, may need a few more transitional ones and more variety in crossing ones but other than that its looking really good. Graphics are wonderful but they are a bit jagged and blurry in wide cam. The camera takes some getting used to as well. Oh and its slower in pace than PES 2010. There is no way of changing game speed so its on 0 as default.

I have started a Master League as Barcelona. I dont have Messi and all the other stars. You start off with the usual ML suspects such as Minanda etc. Their not very good so their control and passes are off. Ball physics are heavier now. I lost my first match against someone in Germany. Match was super smooth. No response issues like in PES 2010. Will post my detailed preview in the evening.
PES - More than a game
i jos malo :)

- Not as pretty as I was expecting.
- No AA makes it a jag fest.
- Player likenesses are decent for known players.
- Animations seem fairly revamped and I generally prefer what they've done here.
- The default match camera is all kinds of strange. I almost quite like it, it's very dynamic and it tries to hover over the area of the pitch where the action is taking place.

- As previews have stated paassing is very unforgiving and quite literal in its interpretation of your direction presses and power (particularly with through balls). I personally quite like this aspect of it.
- Shooting (as the EG preview has stated) is a little maladjusted. Most taps of the shoot button will see it skied into the stadium. It needs fixing.
- Dribbling is quite well done I think and is kinda inter-linked with how pressing works. Because attacker and defender agility seems well balanced the 1-on-1 dribbling seems like a genuine contest of smarts.
- Attacking AI off the ball generally seems alright but PES really badly needs a button to force a run from your compatriots like FIFA has.
- Defensive AI is little more problematic. Defenders are hilariously bad at defending crosses and corners in particular (which is how both my opponent and I managed to score). Also, one attack my opponent had on goal caused my defenders to inexplicably stand on each post for the rest of the attack as if they were defending a corner. Going back to crosses for a moment, the poor AI is made worse by the games inability to let you force them manually into position when the ball comes in. Maybe I'll have to super-cancel it in the future.
- Ball physics seem pretty good too, although I think it slows down too quickly by virtue of travelling across the floor.

Master League:
- It's ML as you know it in terms of layout.
- To do a quick match costs money but you make it back on winning/drawing.
- After I finished my first match the game told me that I'd be able to sign up to 6 players. I'm guessing this the game's way of incentivising online players to play more matches.
- Prices for players seem pretty low. You start with £500,000. Fabregas costs just under £5 mill. I imagine this is for online balancing purposes.
- There's a scrolling news bar along the top of the screen that announces 'deals' for players e.g. "XABI ALONSO GOING CHEAP!"

- Feels quite a bit slower.
- Starting off with the default ML players doesn't help as they're slow and sluggish.
- Player animations, especially in replays, much improved.
- Love the new camera angle.
- The power meter when passing takes getting used to, but makes playing the perfect through ball all the better.
- Love how much easier it is to drag and drop players into formation in the Game Plan menu.
Poslednja izmena:
Izuzev grafike, šta je novo u gameplayu na ovom snimku?
Kako ocekujes preko snimka da 'osetis' kakvo je novo dobacivanje, kretanje ili gameplay generalno?
Neke stvari mogu da se vide - lopta se previse cesto odbija od igraca recimo, to mi se nikako ne svidja.
Ovaj bi trebalo da je dobar, bas sad kad nichu ne mogu da ih gledam..

Maremas,Tottimas i ja smo danas igrali demo.Igra sabija koliko je dobra.Gameplay sporiji tecniji.Online nema laga igrali smo sa Skotskom i Belgijom.Kralj se vraca ,)
Maremas,Tottimas i ja smo danas igrali demo.Igra sabija koliko je dobra.Gameplay sporiji tecniji.Online nema laga igrali smo sa Skotskom i Belgijom.Kralj se vraca ,)

Ja osim grafike ne vidim nikakve promene.. :D Znaci da ne gasim preorder? ;)
Pa ti ga ne bi ugasio makar izbacili PES2010 v2 :)
Istina :D

Procitao sam jos podosta utisaka i evo sta su generalna misljenja... U pocetku uzasno tesko, kako vreme prolazi stice se osecaj i gameplay postaje ultra zadovoljavajuci i zanimljiv.. Kao i do sada, preciznost paseva zavisi i od statistike igraca, ogromna sloboda u kreiranju igre, sutevi su drugaciji ali i odlicni kao i uvek. Fizika lopte takodje kao i animacije, uz par cudnih tu i tamo..
Sudije su dobre uglavnom, golmani poboljsani ali i dalje ima tu i tamo poneka greska.. Online uglavnom odlican koliko vidim..
Zelim demo :)
Što nisam ranije video ovo za betu o.o

Oće neko ko je ušao u betu da mi pozajmi svoj acc da svučem i ja :D
Kako ne vidite promene??? Totalno drugi fudbal.
The king is back :d Ajde ipak je Beta u pitanju ali ne mirise na dobro.:)
Kakva golcina jbt, ovaj drugi go je cista desetka. Nesto slicno je Kleo postigao...
Meni je od gola zanimljivije ovo kretanje po dijagonalama pre gola ;).
The king is back :d Ajde ipak je Beta u pitanju ali ne mirise na dobro.:)

A sta ti ne mirise na dobro :) Dajte bre ljudi, filmici su samo bonus, nesto da ubije vreme do izlaska, nikada na osnovu njih ne mozes da prosudis kakva je igra, barem fudbal. 95% je njih je razdusevljeno ovom betom... istina, ocekivao sam mozda vise na polju animacija, ali, ovo cak nije ni Preview kod, ovo je nesto oko E3 koda, a verujem da i animacije daju totalno drugi utisak dok ti licno igras, a ne gledas na youtube-u..
Nisam ovakav, dao sam lepsih golova. Ovoj gol nista posebno, ne znam sta te je to posebno ocaralo? Lik sam bez bloka sutuira sa prosecne udaljenosti, samo je raspalio po sutu. Nikakvo umece za ovo ne treba.
Meni više od svega ide na k...c to što golmani kod takvih šuteva služe samo da ulepšaju gol. Stoji u mestu i onda kada lopta proleti iznad njega kao nešto se baci. Mislim, OK, možda nije mogao da skine ali daj malo lepše odradi to. Isto važi i za onaj gol sa penala. Ako se već nisam bacio neka golman makar proprati loptu pogledom a ne da stoji ko ukopan.
Vrh Dno