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Razmena pozivnica za torrent trackere (pravila su u prvoj poruci)

Klikneš tamo gde ti žutim slovima piše "X torrents require seeding" i onda će ti biti jasno.:)
Tako drug pricao na IRCu sa likom da mu vrnu akaunt posto je bio nesto disejblovan, a koristo ga je regulrano i sve korektno, i onda je neko od stuffa spominjao nesto sa bazom podataka da su neki akautni dal pokradeni ili tako nesto i da nikako ne mogu da mu vrnu akaunt, (ja sam razumeo da je gotovo sa HDTom, a verovatno samo treba da trazi novu pozivnicu posto nemaju podatke o njemu)
Ne radi PTP,BTN,AHD...:mad:
Ako neko voljan da udeli HDT za drugara nek se javi. (Clan je btn-a bitsoupa)
Seed je na nuli,to sam mislio
imam jednu bonus invite za scc koja uskoro istice cini mi se...sad se setili da mi daju pa ako ima neko pouzdan nek se javi :)
Očigledno treba prestati sa korišćenjem IPT-a i deljenjem pozivnica za isti ...

Nije samo IPT. Ima on jos 6-8 trackera... Ja kada sam video da na torrentday koristi skriptu da pravi duplo veci broj seedera odrekao sam se naloga. Nisam ni na IPT. Doduse jesam na scenetime ali ga i ne koristim. Izrabljujem bonus sa seedom (14 tor. max i dobijate max poena, za one koje interesuje). Ali nece ga par nas odavde mnogo ostetiti...
Meni je IPT 90% torrent aktivnosti, ostatak je HDT. Nisam dalje širio, jer sam na ova dva nalazio sve što mi treba.
Imate li predlog (i pozivnicu) za dostojnu zamenu IPT-u?
Sa AHD-a:

Invites to the following trackers are now prohibited from being shared in our Invites sub-forum (accessible to HD-Pro+):


The current ruleset can be found here (available only to HD-Pro and up)

Any existing invite threads for said trackers have been trashed and any member creating new ones will be immediately warned.

Over the past several months it has come to light that the owner of these sites (they all share a common owner) as well as some of his staff members have recently and in the past engaged in extremely reprehensible activities, including, but not limited to: stealing of peer lists from other trackers (including BTN and SCC), attacking other trackers (including PTP) with DDoS attacks, and the trading and selling of invites as well as stolen accounts. In addition to the above, these trackers are also run completely for-profit, will often randomly disable members in order to extort "donations" from them, and sell access to the site in return for "donations". The owner has responded to such criticism with shilling and further attacks. Such actions are, to say the least, unbecoming of a private tracker.

In retaliation for the above, the personal information of the owner of these sites has recently been exposed to the internet as well as the details of the other non-tracker sites he runs and the paypal accounts he holds to channel the massive profits he pulls in from his tracker network. We have had no part in the "doxxing", nor will we link to it here, but the information is available on the web for anyone who wishes to know more.

We would like to urge all our members to stay away from these sites. The safety of our own users is our first and foremost concern, and these sites cannot and should not be considered safe. Do not support IPT and its sister sites with donations, content, seeding, or tracker activity of any kind, and certainly do not recommend them to your friends or invite them. If you are a current user of these sites, the sooner you sever your connection to them, the better the entire private tracker community will be for it.

There are countless alternatives which are run in a much more ethical and secure manner, sites which are far more deserving of your support. Please seek out these alternatives if you are looking for a general or scene/0day tracker.
Očigledno treba prestati sa korišćenjem IPT-a i deljenjem pozivnica za isti ...

Nama što imamo priličan broj trakera to nije problem, ali teško da će vlasnici IPTa osetiti naš bojkot.
Inače meni filelist preuzima primat general trakera iako je bar meni bio konfuzan za korišćenje u početku.
Mozda je pisano, ali nisam pratio temu odavno... Sta je bilo sa FTN? Dugo nije radio, a sad se redirectuje na neki YT link sa mackama? http://feedthe.net

admin muri and balajik dont know whats going on. the site is in brandon's basement apparently. ie the sysop has gone awol.

ftn-bot is gone from irc, so if you disconnect you cant get back in. this means eventually even the irc channel will be dead.

chance of it coming back is less than 10% imho. but there's still a chance i guess...

Brendon je izgleda digao tastaturu od svega...
Dobih poruku (BIT-HDTV):

Hi all,

We have decided to add new rules regards to our invite forum section, please read the message carefully.

In light of the recent scandal event that has been released that the owner of these sites (they all share a common owner) and it staff members included, they have been engaged in extreme reprehensible activities, which include trading, stealing of peer and donation extorting (randomly disabling users account an ask for donation to enable), this is beside the DDoS attacks in few tracker sites (BTN, PTP & SCC).

For those who want to find out more details about this, search for it yourself, we are in no means have part in this, nor we will include any links to the (doxxing).

We urge our users to not be part of such site(s) for your own safety, stay away from IPT, do not support them in any means, this includes donation, content, seeding, or tracker activity of any kind, and certainly do not recommend any of the site(s) bellow to your friends or anyone what so ever.

As of this moment, anyone attempt to open a new post about the following site(s), will result to immediate warning and invite rights revoking:

* IPTorrents
* TorrentDay
* SceneTime
* Speed.cd
* TorrenTing
* Deildu

Slična poruka i na AHD,jel da prekidamo?Ne mislim na davanje invitea za navedene već uopšte na učešće na istim?Mislim da bi trebalo organizovano prekinuti a onim članovima koji nemaju druge trackere ponuditi invite za neke druge,voleo bih mišljenje iskusnijih:type:
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