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Razmena pozivnica za torrent trackere (pravila su u prvoj poruci)

Info za PTH

How to get an invite to PTH currently inside the #pth-lounge channel on the PTH network.

1. You must have been a user of what.cd with a user class at Elite or higher.
- Seriously, if you weren't elite or higher, you'll need to get in some other way at this time.

2. You must have some kind of proof that you were an elite at what.cd such as:
- Screenshot of your what.cd profile
- Screenshot of your PM inbox showing user class upgrade
- Screenshot of IRC showing your elite vhost from what.cd's network
- Screenshot of elite thread access from browser history

3. If you are in good standing at BTN, PTP, SCC, HDBits or GGn provide links directly to your profiles there
- These can be provided to us in addition to your what.cd elite status proof, you still need that elite proof!
- If you don't have accounts at any of these sites the person performing your proof may accept different sites, but they'll always need to be reputable sites.

4. Make sure all screenshots are hosted at imgur or another simple image host. Do not host on Google Docs, Google Drive, One Live, Dropbox etc

5. Be prepared. Have your screenshots, links to any profiles and your email address for an invite to be sent to ready in a message to be sent to a staff member when they request it.

6. Wait. You must not message any staff member in the channel until they announce that they are accepting peoples proof. If you do not follow the procedure you will either be moved to the back of the queue or be removed from the channel.

Question: I was not an elite or higher at what.cd or I don't have proof of my user class, what do I do now?
Answer: Wait. New opportunities including recruitment from other trackers will come eventually, PTH is very new, we're still figuring out how to get all of you on board in a safe way.

Question: I wasn't an elite at what.cd but .... [insert excuse for PMing]
Answer: You lookin' to get banned? Cause that's how you get banned.

Thank you
<3 Trees.
Kako su išle klase na w.cd? Taman me promovisali u Power usera i ugasiše torrent. Možda ima nade i za slabije rangirane...
User>Member>Power User>Elite>Torrent Master>Power Torrent Master>Elite Torrent Master (ako me sećanje dobro služi).
Ok, nije neka razlika, ovaj put sam sačuvao screenshotove iz history-ja, pa ću valjda uskoro uhvatiti nekako pozivnicu za pth ili apollo. Posle Oinka sam čekao 7-8 godina za wcd, i taman sam se navikao, i ugasiše ga. :D
Ovo na PTH je katastrofa...

Seeders: 719,769
Leechers: 3,432
Seeder/leecher ratio: 209.72

Niko nista ne skida...

Na apollu skroz druga situacija

Seeders: 1,018,290
Leechers: 58,481
Seeder/leecher ratio: 17.41
Ja sam bio na WCD 7 godina, nikad nije bilo ovako. Na PTH su pustili samo Elite i vise rankove, znas kad ce oni da skidaju nesto, svi su vec skinuli sve na WCD... Jedino ako naprave FL ili puste vise korisnika. Juce sam uploadovao cisto za probu 25 full flac albuma (100% log), ukupno sam imao 4 snatcha od 25 albuma, sva 4 iz 2016 (neko ima autosnatch) - total 2.4gb.

Ne kazem da treba da bude buffer hoarding fest ali ovaj seed/leech ratio nije normalan.
Naravno da nije normalan, zato će da dožive istu sudbinu kao i wcd. Ja sam probao oba i odlučio da Appolu dam šansu, tu sam podigao već 40 albuma i 20 GB uploada za 4 dana.
Sad sam okacio isti singl na pth i apollo. U roku od 3 sekunde 8 snatcheva na apollo, nula na pth... od singla velicine 140 mega dobio sam skoro 600 mega buffera, nije da cu ga iskoristiti ali pth mora definitivno da pusti ili tokene ili FL ili vise novih ljudi unutra.
Malopre sam hteo da udjem na What.cd, nisam se logovao relativno dugo, hteo sam da izvidim hoce li biti nekog freeleech-a, medjutim sokirao sam se kada sam video da ih vise nema! :(
Veliki udarac za ljubitelje kvalitetnih audi fajlova, na koju stranu se sada okrenuti, imate li neke preporuke i kako do tamo? :S:
Zavisi koji si rank bio na wcd...
Aj´ da ponovim,možda neko i odgovori:
Kada kliknem na magnet link na FL automatski me vrati na stranicu za logovanje.Seed ide normalno,koji mu je?
Da li je ostala nekom pozivnica za Apollo? Aktivan sam na muzičkim trackerima (mogu poslati dokaze).
Ako si bio na whatcd i imas neki dokaz za to pusti mi u pm...
Videcemo kakvo ce stanje na apl biti posle fl, trebalo bi da bude sasvim solidno jer se cini da je community tamo dosta aktivan. Najbolje bi bilo da pth i apl konstantno idu rame uz rame, sto se tice ponude i brzine.
Pusti mi na PM skrinshotove sa tt i pedra i ako imas ss od invajt mejla za wcd...
Ima li ko pozivnicu za CinemaZ ?
Uredan sam seeder tako da vas neće niko tući po ušima za deljenu pozivnicu.
HD-Torrents invite anyone? Bio sam HD Deamon godinama, onda mi u jednom momentu opalo interesovanje i nisam ispratio momenat kad su uveli onaj quarter rule i sutnuli me zbog neaktivnosti... Sad mi opet treba zbog nekih filmova koje nalazim samo u bojler kvalitetu... Pretty please?
Au sta je ovo, what.cd ugasen... Vidim propratili ste vest na vreme i... Sta sada? Apolo?
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