Šta je novo?

Pracenje posiljki

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Posiljke kasne i ostaje nam samo da cekamo.
U vecini slucajeva nema svrhe da krivimo trgovce.

Dispute treba pokretati samo ako je ocigledno da se prodavac pravi lud.

Izuzetak su Rx..CN posiljke koje se vrate u mesto polaska - tu odmah sa trgovcem treba utvrditi
sta ce dalje da se desava
Drustvo sta da radim paket mi pise da je completed ja nisam kliknuo na confirm orser received a na drugom to cak ni nema. Za oba je otvoren dispute

Послато са LYA-L29 уз помоћ Тапатока
Opa Đurđo,

RB..SG naručen 30. marta stigao u zemlju i pojavio se na praćenju nase pošte. Ima nade! :)
Preostalih 8 Singapurćana i dalje zaglavljeno.
Moj naručen 15.3.i ništa

Послато са MI 8 уз помоћ Тапатока
Ja čekam CN iz februara, i to nešto što mi zaista treba. A sitnice koje mi nisu neophodne stizale su polako.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
Opa Đurđo,

RB..SG naručen 30. marta stigao u zemlju i pojavio se na praćenju nase pošte. Ima nade! :)
Preostalih 8 Singapurćana i dalje zaglavljeno.
Izgleda da stvarno ima nade. Meni još od 23.03 paket čami na aerodromu u HK, a od prvih dana aprila ga uopšte više nije ni bilo u sistemu SG pošte.

Evo danas konačno došlo do neke promene, sada imam "Information Received – Item En Route to Postal Facility".

Sent from my MI 8 Lite using Tapatalk
Ja sam porucio 4. marta paket, isto ide preko SG poste, ali se ne menja status...Despatchet to overseas...valjda ce se promeniti za koji dan... :)
Kod mene 2 posiljke order completed, a jos nista nije stiglo.

Sent from my SM-A705FN using Tapatalk
Ovo je jako lepa vest da se bar kod nekih SG pomerio..
Inace kod mene 7 paketa SG iz marta na Overseas i dalje, i jos 5 na hand over..
Ali ovo sto se kod vas pomerilo mi opet uliva nadu :)
Number: RB...SG
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Serbia

2020-05-15 13:53, Held by Custom
2020-05-15 11:53, Za carinu
2020-05-15 11:47, Arrival at Destination Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to RS)
2020-05-15 11:47, Arrive at sorting center in destination country
2020-05-15 09:47, Prispeće
2020-05-14 20:24, Arrival at Destination (Country: RS)
2020-04-19 09:20, Despatched to OverSeas Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to RS/BEG)
2020-04-19 09:20, Depart from transit country or district
2020-03-27 23:30, Hand over to airline
2020-03-26 18:17, Order information received by carrier
2020-03-26 18:17, Outbound in sorting center
2020-03-26 18:17, Received by line-haul
2020-03-23 17:28, Inbound in sorting center
2020-03-23 17:28, Accepted by carrier
2020-03-20 08:27, Order information received by carrier
Powered by www.17track.net

Konačno! Najbitniji paket. Ostali SG su svi na hand over to airline
Prosle sedmice od 6 stavki sto sam porucio od razlicitih prodavaca 5 je otislo prelo LV. Sve je bio free shiping ili zanemarljiv. I sve je poslato u roku od 24h.

Послато са SM-G960F помоћу Тапатока
Dear our buyer,
Hi, Thank you for your purchase!
We regret to tell you about which all parcels of Economy shipping service (air cargo) heading to Serbia are NOT allowed for the reason of global outbreak of corona virus. We usually ship all parcels using economy service, but now is NOT available for us.
We are so sorry about this. Instead all packages from Korea to Serbia are able to be shipped out by transport companies like FedEX, DHL etc, which supports much more expensive delivery service. As it couldn't be a good way to use such transport company, so we here suggest you the following options.
1) Keep this transaction and please wait until economy delivery is allowed again. We will then send you the item plus a small gift if you agree to this option. FYI, we was told that there may be a possible to be allowed again around end of May or early of June, but it depends on the World' situation of Covid-19.
2)Transaction cancellation. You don't need to wait until restriction of economy delivery is lifted.
Ova je krenula nazad posiljaocu?
Mar 18, 2020 19:04 / China Post / Logistics order has been created
Mar 19, 2020 22:48 / Serbia Post / CN-, Reception
Mar 19, 2020 22:48 / China Post / International Ishii Sales Department, Received,
Mar 20, 2020 00:27 / China Post / International Ishii Sales Department, Leave, next stop Guangzhou international airport
Mar 21, 2020 21:20 / China Post / Guangzhou International Center, Leave, next stop Guangzhou International Center
Mar 21, 2020 23:21 / China Post / Guangzhou International Center, Arrive at facility
Mar 22, 2020 23:21 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Transfer Department, Arrive
Mar 23, 2020 08:42 / Serbia Post / CN-CNBJSA, It's coming
Mar 23, 2020 09:11 / Serbia Post / BEIJING, Departure from outward office of exchange
Mar 23, 2020 09:11 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Processing Center, Has been directly sealed
Apr 10, 2020 19:01 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Handed over to air carrier
Apr 13, 2020 15:30 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Return
Apr 14, 2020 14:14 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Processing Center, Return, remarks: security inspection returns
Apr 14, 2020 14:14 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Processing Center, Has been directly sealed
May 4, 2020 17:25 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Handed over to air carrier
May 4, 2020 17:36 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Handed over to air carrier
May 4, 2020 17:36 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Return
May 9, 2020 19:51 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Exchange Station, Handed over to air carrier
May 12, 2020 15:50 / China Post / Beijing International Mail Processing Center, Return, remarks: security inspection returns
May 16, 2020 07:09 / China Post / Beijing Travel Mail Huangcun Station, Leave, next stop Guangzhou North Railway Station (via transfer)
Ne mora da znači, meni su tako par pošiljki iz Pekinga vraćali u Gvangžu pa opet u Peking, pa vrteli po Pekingu i na kraju stiglo. Ako se vrati dalje od Gvangžua i ode ka početnoj pošti onda se vraća pošaljiocu.

Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk
Ovo vraćaju nazad?

Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Serbia
2020-04-11 14:58, CN, CNFYSA, Prispeće
2020-04-08 16:25, CN, Roger
2020-05-15 07:06, Hangzhou, leaving the Hangzhou Mail Processing Center, the next stop , Hangzhou International Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-05-14 20:52, Hangzhou, arriving at the Hangzhou Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-05-14 16:56, Shanghai, leaving the Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center, the next stop , Hangzhou City Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-05-14 02:05, Shanghai, to Shanghai Station (via transfer)
2020-05-13 05:17, Beijing, leaving the Beijing Post Huangcun Station, the next stop , Shanghai Station (via transfer)
2020-05-11 10:10, Beijing, Beijing International Mail Processing Center return, note: security return
2020-05-10 16:20, Beijing, Beijing International Mail Exchange Station Returned
2020-05-09 19:50, Beijing, delivered to air transport
2020-05-09 19:49, Beijing, delivered to air transport
2020-04-11 15:49, Beijing, Beijing International Mail Processing Center has been exported directly sealed
2020-04-11 01:16, Beijing, arriving at beijing mail processing center (via transfer)
2020-04-10 04:09, Shanghai, leaving the Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center, the next stop , Beijing Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-04-09 22:35, Shanghai, arriving at the Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-04-09 16:19, Ningbo City, leaving the Ningbo Interchange Bureau, the next stop , Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center
2020-04-08 17:35, Ningbo City, leaving Ningbo International Small Package Collection Center, next stop Ningbo International
2020-04-08 16:25, Ningbo City, Ningbo International Small Package Collection Center has received, Agent: Li Jifang
2020-04-07 10:19, Logistics orders created (quick-selling platform)
Meni su poslali nesto Orange Connex pise da je posta. I zadnji status je da je stiglo u Frankfurt
Ima li neko iskustva sa njima
Broj EE (pa brojevi) C0N
Статус пошиљке: У транзиту
Држава: Кина -> Србија
2020-04-27 22:58, DE, FRANKFURT MAIN, Flight landed in destination country
2020-04-21 16:58, CN, SHENZHEN, Flight departed from origin country
2020-04-17 15:46, CN, SHENZHEN, Departed from facility
2020-04-16 11:11, CN, SHENZHEN, Processed at facility
2020-04-16 08:14, CN, SHENZHEN, Arrive at origin facility
2020-04-15 08:59, CN, DONGGUAN, Regional distribution center departed
2020-04-15 02:57, CN, DONGGUAN, Regional distribution center arrived
2020-04-14 22:53, CN, SHENZHEN, Package received
2020-04-13 18:05, CN, Shipment data received
To su valjda oni sto ebay ima ugovor sa njima za slanje iz Kine, tj ono SpeedPAK slanje na ebay-u
Da sa ebaya je. Da li ima pracenje do srbije ili staje u Frankfurtu?
Meni se SG paket opet pojavio na trackingu(information received). Nekoliko nedelja je bio nepostojeći, sad je opet aktivan, mada se još uvek ne zna gde je.

Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
Cekam posiljku sa myvitamins preko NL postr i vec 10 dana nista. Koliko se u ovim vremenima ceka pteko NL?

2020-05-16 04:52 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad - 21237 Gospodinci, Otprema
2020-05-16 03:44 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-15 14:12 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad - 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-15 13:01 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-14 12:28 RS, 62200 CARINA GPC NOVI SAD - 21200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-08 12:43 RS, 11003 IZMENIČNA POŠTA, Za carinu
2020-05-08 11:29 RS, 11003 IZMENIČNA POŠTA, Prispeće
2020-05-01 14:35 NL, NLHAGA, Prispeće

evo moje NL sa lumin skin sajta
2020-05-16 04:52 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad - 21237 Gospodinci, Otprema
2020-05-16 03:44 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-15 14:12 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad - 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-15 13:01 RS, 20200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-14 12:28 RS, 62200 CARINA GPC NOVI SAD - 21200 PC Novi Sad, Otprema
2020-05-08 12:43 RS, 11003 IZMENIČNA POŠTA, Za carinu
2020-05-08 11:29 RS, 11003 IZMENIČNA POŠTA, Prispeće
2020-05-01 14:35 NL, NLHAGA, Prispeće

evo moje NL sa lumin skin sajta

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Vrh Dno