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God of War III

Danas odigrah Dante demo, znachi ne znam kako ih nije sramota. Mogu samo da zamislim forume kada se pojave obe igre pa kad krenu botovi :d

Tacno je da je Dante shameless kopija GOW-a, ali takodje deluje profi uradjeno. Izgleda da ce mu i prica biti jako dobra.

U svakom slucaju, ovo je samo bonus za igrace - bolje imati dve odlicne igre nego jednu :)
Tacno je da je Dante shameless kopija GOW-a, ali takodje deluje profi uradjeno. Izgleda da ce mu i prica biti jako dobra.

U svakom slucaju, ovo je samo bonus za igrace - bolje imati dve odlicne igre nego jednu :)

Ja bih bio zadovoljan i da dobijemo jednu odlicnu i jednu dobru ;).
Ako nista drugo, videcemo nesto sto do sada nismo videli(penis wielding death demon).
Poslednja izmena:
Tacno je da je Dante shameless kopija GOW-a, ali takodje deluje profi uradjeno. Izgleda da ce mu i prica biti jako dobra.

U svakom slucaju, ovo je samo bonus za igrace - bolje imati dve odlicne igre nego jednu :)

Ne znam shta oni to rade, ali igra izgleda kao strip sa previshe crnih pixela, ne znam kako to drugachije da objasnim, isto to ima gomila igara, recimo Forza 3, pa izgleda neozbiljno i "EAovski" :)
"This is not the end of God of War," John Hight, studio bigwig, stated to Gamervision (via G4TV). "This is definitely the end of the trilogy, but we're [going to] continue to do God of War games.

"We're [going to] be very careful about what we do. We're the keepers of the franchise and we don't want to see it ruined or polluted."
Uu, ocu ovakav EU cover! :)
Poslednja izmena:
Ladno sam napiso gifurica umesto figurica ... ipak je moja želja bolja, više, a za manje para ....
Mnogo bolje izgleda kutija od ovog US covera. Iskreno ne ide mi da bude samo pola lica na coveru, uvek je bio u nekoj sceni sa macevima.

^Mislim da si ovo vec kacio. :p
^Ok, ali fora je sto taj Ultimate paket nema kod nas. Ovaj Collectors edition ce biti i u Evropi.
Cudi me da nema preorder ovog paketa na shopto, dvd, sendit.
^Na koji paket misis ? Collectors edition nije nista do diska u kutiji, mozda metalna kutija i PSN kodovi. Nema razloga da carine.
TO ima samo u USA, cak mozda samo na Amazonu. Tako sam bar citao ranije.
"First up are the sandals of Hermes that will allow Kratos to run along walls towards his enemies. Yes, the original God of War III trailer wasn't lying: Kratos will run along walls to combat, just like the Prince of Persia."

"Stig also adds that Kratos's move-set will change depending on how many enemies he's facing, something that he'll need in the game's huge environments. Many of his enemies stretch into their own environments, have a gander at Gaia in our gallery, and can reach two times the size of the Eiffle Tower. The huge colossus from God of War II will fit in one of titan's hands in the PS3 game. Stig comments:"

" One of them has a size which doubles the Eiffel Tower! To illustrate the scale of the game, the colossus of God of War II shears in the palm of one of the titans. The scale will also be a factor taken into account in the battlefield. We were accustomed to dealing with a maximum of 10 enemies on screen, while now it will be from 30 to 40. This increase is being seen in many games, however, we noticed that in those other titles the gameplay does not change when we face many rivals. I think we have solved this element, because we have given a series of Kratos' new moves that evolve and become much more effective when there are more enemies on screen. If you shoot the bow of an enemy fire, it burns, but if you shoot a rival which is next to another 10, one can turn to others and the flames can spread to an entire army.

We have also created a series of attacks that expand to grip and mechanics that are effective against numerous soldiers. Above all, we are strengthening the different ranges creating massive battles. The centaur now acts as general of the warriors on foot."


Cini mi se da ce u GoW konacno moci da pokazu ono sto su hteli od samog pocetka, te nevidjeno velike Titane. Daj bre nek izadje ta igra vise, mnogo smo se izlozili, kako li je tek Gruji, lupa recke na kalendaru, ko Ranko za GT5. :d
Novi artwork..










WOW !!!! :Klanjanje:Klanjanje:Klanjanje:Klanjanje
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